Thought I'd better join having just bought a Disco tdi.
Over the years (I'm 61) I've owned most Landies but have been without after finding the servicing costs of the last ('05 Disco 3) to be disappointingly high just to maintain a warranty
Anyway, I now have need to tow an occasionally, rather heavy trailer so bought a v shiny Disco 2 a bit too hastily, only to find there is plenty of rust
beneath this (previously Edinburgh registered) Disco.
So...might be needing tips & seeking advice from all you experts for fitting new panels/parts etc.
Regards Les
Over the years (I'm 61) I've owned most Landies but have been without after finding the servicing costs of the last ('05 Disco 3) to be disappointingly high just to maintain a warranty
Anyway, I now have need to tow an occasionally, rather heavy trailer so bought a v shiny Disco 2 a bit too hastily, only to find there is plenty of rust
So...might be needing tips & seeking advice from all you experts for fitting new panels/parts etc.
Regards Les