If that's the other alternative, then agreed, it keeps it on the road. However if it's just done to save a few quid on tyres, then I'd not recommend it myself.The minor benefit would be keeping the car on the road rather than scrapping it.
Is that unintentional benefit of the props being fitted, true for the crown wheel less IRD?The major benefits are to maintain dampening of the engine, maintain a smoother ride, maintain lifespan of engine mount components etc.
The propshafts on a working IRD do give a degree of damping, especially when under acceleration loads. I'm not sure how much beneficial damping is available without any load on the front CV joint. The bottom of the power unit moves away from the rear diff under acceleration, so unless the front CV is under load, it'll just slide out unhindered.
It's something to investigate further.
I know working propshafts definitely damp out power unit movements, when compared to having no propshafts, but haven't tried it on a free IRD.
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