Herts/Beds Laning

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Having a senior moment
West Bedforshire
I'd really like to explore a few of the lanes we've located locally. There's on e which is a highway (well maintained) near redbourn and one at Hastoe, (runs up the side of an ostrich farm!) also a highway near Shaws Corner that looks a little wet for us to do alone. There are probably a few more as well locally that we could explore. There are a couple out on the lower luton road asw well that I have not had the opportunity to explore. I know this sounds a little sad, but I would like to let the children out to play in some areas as well, (after all they are the next generation of laners). I hope that someeone will join us... spyderman perhaps or JAI_Landrover. I Imagine this will be a gentle weekend but fun too.
Hiya people!

Dont know if ill make it I really wanna go take some pics of AWDC Trial at Brickhill next Sunday, I can't play till i fix my handbrake :-( Mabe get a bit of time I could meet you guys somewhere should be fun we will see Jai.
Hey Mikey,

You'll be fine with Spyderman and Ryder. There are some tight lanes about but if you think they are too bad just reverse out of them. Nobody wants to damage their bodywork, plus if its that tight you should really be trying to get the lane cleared before driving them. Thats the official bit done.

We have found in the past that sometime you just have to drive/walk them first see if they are blocked or how obstructed they are. I drove a lane in Hitchen a few summers ago with my roof off about 9.30 pm on my own very tight low trees, and very tight bushes all I achived was scratched bodywork, Driving home itchiing from all the bugs that were swarming about, I did manage to get the lane cleared but alas its now been re-classified so we cannot drive it! Way to go NERC! Jai
You joining us Jai?

Mikey... I've looked at a few of the lanes we'll be visiting. For the most part they are quite spacious, although one looks like a tight exit and so we may have do a U turn and drive back up it to the start again. My car's pretty scratched and in need of s respray anyway... so I am not too worried, however if a lane looks too tight or you don't fancy it, just let us know. We all have phones and we usually hand out walkie talkies to use between the vehicles so there's no problem getting the message across. Come along and have some fun.


No probs,

I'll try and make it but I dont think I will manage it some how, Im about to upload some vids to google video will send the link on here asap Jai
Oh! You mean a day out on the lanes doesn't count as romance. Sh1t that's why the wife hasn't spoken to me since Sunday...

I told her I was lookin for a nice quiet spot to make out and pretend we were teenagers.... I guess I should have seen the signs of trouble when she started navigating with a stanley knife.
You'll be fine with Spyderman and Ryder. There are some tight lanes about but if you think they are too bad just reverse out of them. Nobody wants to damage their bodywork, plus if its that tight you should really be trying to get the lane cleared before driving them. Thats the official bit done.

Yeah, i was thinking about going back up there with something i could trim the trees back with for in the future,
If i make it this weekend, i do usually carry bowsaw/hacksaw and cutters it may just be worth logging what lanes need clearing on a lane assesment form, ooh argh very propper, i hear you all scream! Maybe then we can make a day to go clear them maybe get GLAG involved etc Jai
I'm definitely up for clearing a few. The lane from Slip End may beone candidate though I am having trouble identifying whether its actually a byway or not. Let me know which lanes you have in mind Jay. Do we need to get permission to work on these lanes and if soo who from?