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New Member
Hi, my names Emma and I have recently bought a freelander 53 plate but I have a couple of problems and was wondering if anyone could help? My brake lights have all stopped working and a friend has checked the fuse and switch and they seem ok and also after having the car for a couple of days the tc and downward drive light have been on, does anyone have any clues please, thanks in advance x
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The Freelanderer guys will be able to shed more light...... no pun intended :rolleyes:

For your own interest a little bedtime reading.

Search on the Freelander part of the forum for "the three amigo's" might even be a sticky thread I dont go in there very often

They mskes me take me wellies orft :mad:
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Ok thank you :) I am trying to click on the links and get onto the freelander bit and failing miserably, not sure if its me being a numpty or what :/
"Brake light switch"

Despite looking like a link ^^^^^ this isn't one

Not to the freelander section any way.

Top left in green click on "Forum"

That will take you to home screen

you should find your way from there
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