Sorry for sounding like a bit of a townie for asking this but I'm running out of ideas. My beloved old defender runs perfectly most of the year, starts first time, runs smoothly etc. But now it's getting cold She's really struggling, often flattening the battery before she's actually started. In the last 2 years she's had a new battery, alternator, starter motor and just had a full service with new glow plugs. Been looking at pre-heaters for the engine thinking it might be diesel gelling in the cold, but they are all mains powered and I can't park near a socket. Any ideas, literally anything considered, I've even considered putting insulation into the engine block on a night!!! Where I park is on top of a hill in the middle of the Yorkshire Dales so there is no protection or cover at all!
Thanks for the help.
Sorry for sounding like a bit of a townie for asking this but I'm running out of ideas. My beloved old defender runs perfectly most of the year, starts first time, runs smoothly etc. But now it's getting cold She's really struggling, often flattening the battery before she's actually started. In the last 2 years she's had a new battery, alternator, starter motor and just had a full service with new glow plugs. Been looking at pre-heaters for the engine thinking it might be diesel gelling in the cold, but they are all mains powered and I can't park near a socket. Any ideas, literally anything considered, I've even considered putting insulation into the engine block on a night!!! Where I park is on top of a hill in the middle of the Yorkshire Dales so there is no protection or cover at all!
Thanks for the help.