Hello all,
Wow what a great web site found sum great info I needed, but I am getting a lot of grief from the bread knife about her freelander. O.k. before you all start and say well its a freelander hear me out
. The abs tc and the down hill decent lights are on all the time on amber
, I dont want to pay land rover stupid prices for the diagnostics test
so I am looking for all your experience here. PLEASE SAVE A MAN FROM EAR BLEEDING CUS ITS STARTING TO HURT NOW
. Its a 2000 plate TD4 and I have looked at the Manuel I have on cd fro eBay of course. (If any one would like a cd please email me and will sort out for a small charge £1) Just to let you know I am 100% against main dealer rip off costs.
I see a lot of discos with logos of 1 life live it so please help me live a normal life and get her of me back
Wow what a great web site found sum great info I needed, but I am getting a lot of grief from the bread knife about her freelander. O.k. before you all start and say well its a freelander hear me out
I see a lot of discos with logos of 1 life live it so please help me live a normal life and get her of me back