Hello Landy Zone

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New Member
Hi, Just wanted to say Hello to you all.
My name's Anne, i'm married with kids, live in the West Midlands.

Have wanted a Land Rover for a while, and now seems the right time to start thinking of buying one. My favourite is the Defender 90, short-wheel base.
Just learning about them really...

Anyway, thanks for reading

Hi Anne.

Its not a special day for yer mother, is it ? ;)

90's are wicked ... ignore any comments about a compulsory pig.
They're not obligatory.

Welcome :D
Hi Anne ,
I'm a newbie too ( and female ) they don't seem a bad bunch - in fact they are positively tame compared to my usual forum haunt :D
I've got the defender 90 and believe me she's the dogs bollox , get kitted up maid - you wont look back.

Hi Anne ,
I'm a newbie too ( and female ) they don't seem a bad bunch - in fact they are positively tame compared to my usual forum haunt :D
I've got the defender 90 and believe me she's the dogs bollox , get kitted up maid - you wont look back.


Dare I ask what your normal haunt is?

Your find lz a lively place, a good sense of humour and the inmates can be quite charming.
Dare I ask what your normal haunt is?

Your find lz a lively place, a good sense of humour and the inmates can be quite charming.

The inmates seem positively tame , compared to my usual haunt on Horseandhound online , where poor unsuspecting males step into soapbox and within several seconds get subjected to lewd comments , virtual removal of clothing and gratuatous amounts of cyber sex ... so as a bird stepping into this generally male forum , i'm quite impressed with the gentlemanly demeanour......;)

Needless to say none of this behavour is of my doing , oh no i sit back and watch...yeh right:D:D
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The inmates seem positively tame , compared to my usual haunt on Horseandhound online , where poor unsuspecting males step into soapbox and within several seconds get subjected to lewd comments , virtual removal of clothing and gratuatous amounts of cyber sex ... so as a bird stepping into this generally male forum , i'm quite impressed with the gentlemanly demeanour......;)

Needless to say none of this behavour is of my doing , oh no i sit back and watch...yeh right:D:D

for a walk on the wild side try anything goes:D

The inmates seem positively tame , compared to my usual haunt on Horseandhound online , where poor unsuspecting males step into soapbox and within several seconds get subjected to lewd comments , virtual removal of clothing and gratuatous amounts of cyber sex ... so as a bird stepping into this generally male forum , i'm quite impressed with the gentlemanly demeanour......;)

Needless to say none of this behavour is of my doing , oh no i sit back and watch...yeh right:D:D

:scratching_chin:Hmmm lewd comments and gratuitous cyber sex, Horseandhound on line you say! Do they take soldiers by any chance:D. Oh and :welcome2: Anne:D Why have you sent your kids to the west Mid-lands:pound:
Hi Anne ,
I'm a newbie too ( and female ) they don't seem a bad bunch - in fact they are positively tame compared to my usual forum haunt :D
I've got the defender 90 and believe me she's the dogs bollox , get kitted up maid - you wont look back.


Thanks, for the welcome. I've always fancied owning a Defender 90, and
having read what you said - i want one even more now:)