Hello from North Lincs

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New Member
Evening all, new un to this here forum. I`d have been more specific with my location but the interweb has a funny habit of censoring Scunthorpe sometimes.

I`ve used Busters brilliant photo guides before and if everyone else is that helpful I`ll soon have my battered D reg 90 on the road again.

Right wheres the Items Wanted section, I`ve got me a 200tdi lump to be finding, oh and a corroded door pillar to cut out and replace, and a cracked windscreen to see to, and ............ a whole list of "little jobs"
Well, as one of the sophisticates on this forum (I drive a Range Rover) please allow me to extend a hearty welcome to you and yours. You may find some here a bit rough as they are oft known to carry pigs and such fauna in their Land Rovers. As well, you may be off put by the gender confusion shown by some in certain sections of the forum. Please disregard it as a concern and help us celebrate diversity by ignoring it.

Please don't post spam as I don't like spam, and use the search feature because we are all seekers really.

Being sophisticated I appreciate a distilled, dry wit. Others here gather on dark nights together and light their farts afire and find it a chuckle. Regardless of your personal metric of humor, bring it with you when you visit.

That's all. Welcome.
Well, as one of the sophisticates on this forum (I drive a Range Rover) please allow me to extend a hearty welcome to you and yours. You may find some here a bit rough as they are oft known to carry pigs and such fauna in their Land Rovers. As well, you may be off put by the gender confusion shown by some in certain sections of the forum. Please disregard it as a concern and help us celebrate diversity by ignoring it.

Please don't post spam as I don't like spam, and use the search feature because we are all seekers really.

Being sophisticated I appreciate a distilled, dry wit. Others here gather on dark nights together and light their farts afire and find it a chuckle. Regardless of your personal metric of humor, bring it with you when you visit.

That's all. Welcome.

did you miss your true vocation, should have followed in bob hope's footsteps :rolleyes: