Hello Everyone

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Hello Ricky,,, how yi doin,,,,, hope yi got some sort o thick skin cos you will need it,,,,,, just give as good as you'l get,,,, an welcome once again tae the the funny farm,,,,;) :D :D
Just passing through. Hi to all you land lovers.

Found this on the net, hope you like it.¿
How to know that You're a Land Rover owner:
  • If You go to get the Sunday paper and You come back on Monday without it.
  • If You use a hose to clean the inside and the outside.
  • When the best route from point A to point B is through the mud.
  • When a scratch or a dent is a beauty mark.
  • You roll Your Rover over and look for it's thingy.
  • Your mom and sister can't get in without help.
  • You judge every hill You see by how much fun it would be to climb.
  • You search for trails in an USAF helicopter.
  • You puke when You see a Geo Tracker.
  • You get custom pin-striping from trail brush.
  • If it takes more than 6 hours to get donuts.
  • When You pull into the unplowed parking spots on snowy days.
  • When You take Your friends wheeling and they say "What trail - I don't see a trail!".
  • Your friends won't ride with You 'cause they don't want to wind up in the desert in the middle of the night.
  • When Your boss's secretary calls to "recommend" that You wash Your Rover.
  • When You finally wash the mud off, everyone thinks You bought a new Rover.
  • You carry emergency supplies and clothing because You never know where You will end up.
  • When Your Nerf bars battle rocks and win.
  • When it rains and You don't care that Your tops and doors are off.
  • When You drive around to look at Christmas lights topless.
  • When You change Your plugs in the parking lot at work on a break.
  • If Your "Parts Dept." is on blocks behind Your house.
  • When You take Your Mom wheeling and she has to help You flip the Rover back onto it's wheels again.
  • You use an ice-scraper on the INSIDE of the windshield.
  • You get more heat from holes in the floorboards than through the heater vents.
  • Every page of Your repair manual has fingerprints.
  • Passengers scream "DON'T ROLL IT!" when You take them wheeling.
  • You spend more time under Your Rover than under Your significant other.
  • Winter comes and you can't remember where You left the roof.
  • You spend more on car washes than on insurance.
  • Even worse the car wash won't let You in.
  • You complain about everything but smile when You fix everything yourself.
  • When You think Mud Brown should be a factory paint color.
  • When You feel sorry for someone with a $60,000 Toyota Land Cruiser.
  • When You have all Your credit card numbers memorized.
  • When You slam the door and part of Your Rover crumbles to the ground.
  • If You get asked to pick up Your co-workers in a snow storm and get paid for it.
  • Your wife/girlfriend refuses to get in it.
  • You are the only one on the street that doesn't plow their driveway.
  • You try to run the plow trucks off the road when it snows.
  • You have a high-water mark INSIDE the Rover.
  • The first word out of Your 2 year old's mouth isn't Mommy or Daddy, it's rover!