Hazard switch

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Well-Known Member
Had 2 hazard switches one got fried by a short that I had a while back, and the other the contacts got bent and didn't well contact anymore.

So I got a new one, plugged it all up and NOTHING worked, no hazards no indicators.

I got the old one put it back on and indicators worked fine, so after some swapping about I got very confused and started opening them up, it would appear the switch contacts the 2 top pins with the second from the top 2 pins, and that makes the hazards work, i noted the contact placment and just put a screwdriver over them, however the rocker disconnects some contacts at the bottom, what purpose does this do?

I rebuilt the switch, with the contact from another switch and the hazards work no problem, but the indicators wouldn't work...

If I put the switch base (i.e. without any of the contacts or rocker etc... I can indicate, and have the hazards if I just short the 2 pins with a screw driver.

First off, does anyone know what the hecks going on with these switches, I am certain it is the switch and not the relays etc because the system does work fine when done with a screw driver...

I have enough to parts to make a working switch, but I get a failure of one of the systems. I have looked at a wiring diagram and can't quite get my head around what the bottom pins are doing and why there is a contact there, as it would appear they are not needed.

My second question, as it would appear all I need to do is join the top 2 contacts to the 2 below it could I just get a single throw double pole switch and solder the wiring into an old hazard switch base?

Would I need to get a hazard label painted or something onto the new switch for MOT purposes.

Sorry for the long ramble.
By the sounds of it mate the bottom contacts allow the indicator circuit to become powered - ie with the hazard switch on the indicator function is superfluous but when it is off it provides power to the circuits. Is the switch setup as such that the current comes in the centre pole with a contact at either end?
ShieldsD said:
By the sounds of it mate the bottom contacts allow the indicator circuit to become powered - ie with the hazard switch on the indicator function is superfluous but when it is off it provides power to the circuits. Is the switch setup as such that the current comes in the centre pole with a contact at either end?

Well there are 6 active pins, and one spare and one missing (socket locator purpose I would think).

The 2nd from the top 2 are linked by the contact, and then connected to the top 2 which give the hazard lights, so essentialy I just need to connect the 2nd from the top 2 together and to the 2 tops and we have hazards.

The bottom 2, I think become disconnected as the rocker, moves to the top position thus disconnecting the bottom 2, for what purpose I am not sure, all I can think is perhaps it is to disconnect the indicator switch so that they are disabled while hazards are on. Could someone check this for me, I don't have access to another defender at the moment.
Right, over my cornflakes this morning I decided to have a look at my collection of hazard switches and either get one to work, or build one myself.

The switches all had a metal contact which when in hazard mode would want to disconnect the indicators from the system, for some reason the switch I bought had this contact under the plate which should recieve it, so when the switch rocked into the hazard position it was still in contact.

After changing this round and bending it into working order, I managed to get the hazards to work on one side, with some more contact bending I had the full system working.

Must have missed this first time round. I had mine apart at about that time so could have answered your question, thing is I put the top back on the wrong way round so when its on its off and when its off its on.
Well what do you think of this, when I go to connect the hazards little internal bulb up, the relay starts flashing like a nut.

They switch fully works, but doesn't like up, wasn't that bothered so have left it disconnected.
aye, its connected via two spade connectors that run along the side of the switch, they go into a bulb randomly jammed against the contacts.
Well there you go, thats your weekend job, a flashing hazard switch!

A double wire comes from out side of the switch one which goes off to one side of the indicators and the other to the little bulb then deck.

Mind you it doesn't work on mine!
This weekend I'll mainly be tiling the kitchen, When I'm not doing that I'll be taking the wiper motoer off again to mess about with the little plastic button thing that pokes out of a hole and turns the wipers off.