hardtop sides to tub -wtf?

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tightened up all the bolts, squared up all the door openings, windscreen to roof all nice and tight, (took frikkin ages) everything looking good....


how is there a gap between the hardtop sides and the tub only on 1 side? And the bolts at each end are as tight as they go - and the seal is compressed at the rear nicely, but then theres a 3mm gap all the way along.

So kindly landyzoners, Is the bracket at the front of the hardtop sides that holds the pin that goes thru the tub hole adjustable? (I'd undo the bolts to check but they're all nice and painted and if it's not adjustable I'd have fecked them for no reason)

failing that it's out with the black silicone...

aye everything is seated correctly but it looks like the tub capping is bent down in the middle - or the two ends are raised more likely - didn't notice it when it was a truckcab.

Guess I remove the roof and side and then take out one of the thick washers then on the dodgy side.

or get silicon
Erm, when i put my hard top on I used lengths of stud iron through the mounting tube things, and also my side panels have what looks like a retro fitted bracket thing half way down their length, which is very effective at closing this gap. You may find that tightening up the bolts at either end stretches the tub or the sides outta shape, so giving this gap. You could then try fitting a bracket which bolts to the capping to solve this, i mean it worked on mine, fitted by the old owner of the side panels.
has it got these brackets on Muddy....

Aye I have them but they weren't pulling it down sufficiently...

so I undid all the windscreen to roof nuts, the two big front pegs, slackened off the rear nuts then lifted the roof and sides complete while my helpful wife reached in and grabbed two really thick washers out of the peg things that my mate had fitted in error (left over from the truckcab), lowered down roof again, aligned and tightened and YAY! no gaps.

Thanks for all advice.

And yes the pickup tub had splayed and required some ratchet action but thankfully i did this before painting.