Had clutch done at a garage not that long ago, then last Sunday it was like it was getting stuck, the pedal came back up but car wouldn't move? If that makes sense? Was already booked in for its steering and something to do with brakes aswel at another garage (1st one was just a clutch garage) on the Monday (last Monday), managed to rev it there and left it with him.
Wasn't until Wednesday pm that he'd actually looked and 'thought' he'd found the problem. Still isn't home 7 days later

I'm being driven around and borrowing my sisters car when I can but I drive to my clients houses - I can't work if I don't have a car! I don't know anything about cars but is never imagined it would take this long to fix 1 thing on it
Don't get me wrong the bloke doing it seemed to know what he's doing, has a beautiful series, only works on LR's I believe so I guess I just thought it would be done before now