getting ready for winter

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New Member
hi all been thinking of a good service on the landy to get ready for winter as i want to use this vehicle for work and play .and need it to start and keep going .i have changed heater plugs got a new battery and it starts a lot better .need to flush out the rad and refill with antifreeze .got my self on of those small fag lighter heaters for extra demistor on frosty mornings .anything i should put a bit of lagging on to stop freezing or anything else i should do to keep the old girl running when the frost and snow starts to fall.what do you goys do for winter .and dont say ef of to the carabean .?
heater plugs and goood battery excellent start that should get you going
put some vaseline in the locks to stop them freezing up, put a rad muff on to get it warmer quicker carry a shovel, jump leads and tow rope to help those unfortunate souls who dont have a series:)
bollocks to the unfortunate souls down my street .its only 50 yards long the bastards stood and watched me dig the whole lot out of snow last year so i could get my car out at 5 in the morning then all came out at 8 to go to work .wont be doing it this year puting me skinny wheels and tyres back on .
If hard top some sort of lining to stop the drips ****ing you off
Some cheap snow chains paid 15 quid for mine

Get up 30mins earlier take a pot of tea outside with you start the landy up and leave it running while you scrape the ice off the windows.........then when you've done the inside you can start on the outside!:D
Get yerself a rad muff, rollof tin foil, animal feed bag etc and sling it in the landy ready to fit when the temperature plummets. You get to stay warmer in yer landy (if that's possible) and may even be able to defrost the windscreen using the standard heater.;)

Grab yourself some charcoal hand warmers, gel bag warmers too and that way if yu do break down in the cold you can place them strategically around your body, pockets etc to help keep you warm until help arrives.

Hand Pocket Warmer reuseable Charcoal V Warm can refill | eBay

2 x Re-useable Gel Hand Warmer - warm hands again +++++ | eBay
might manage a shovel and a tin of deicer . rad muff . but hopefully wont be needing snow chains . just the raw power of a 2and quater derv to plough through the snow . thats if i can get it started in the mornings . its still a bit slow to turn over so i am going to try and get the starter refurbed and the injectors as well . then maybe it should start a lot easyer .cheers
Not arsed, keeps me warm. Can go out in winter in that and a T-shirt

Mines an older version that doesn't look so shiny

Got a Rab jacket too which is what they use on the Everest expeditions as well as an old Scottish and an old Swedish winter warfare overcoat, swedish ones made out of reindeer skin so its just as warm as the Irvin
good thinking get a quality coat and a pair of wooly gloves . how much cash to refurb a starter moter anyone know roughly.