getting a disco @ 21 ... cheapest insurance providers.

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Well-Known Member
hey, new here and to the landrover world ...
going to be passing my test soon, at 21 (too lazy to bother before!)
i seem to really like discoverys so ideally want to pick one up for around 1-1.5k, looking at a Discovery 300 TDi 5dr Auto 2.5 on autotrader,
what are some good 4x4 insurance to check with ?
tried aidrian flux, was 1.5k for up to 1000miles a year.
ideally looking to get it down to around a 1k? does that seem at all realistic?

anything i can do that would help drop the quotes?
I'm 22 and had a disco since 18 and have always been with either Adrian flux or their sister company flux direct, they've always seemed to be the best price for me.

£1500 sounds like a fair price if you are only just passing your test, my first year was £1500 as a named driver with 1 years no claim and insurance seems to have gone up a lot since then.
That being said if its only for 1000 miles and its s limited mile policy you will get hammered
for every mile you go over that.
would waiting till im 22 make a difference to the quotes? birthday is on september 5th so not long away.

they messed up my first quote, had me down as its in a garage and id had my licence a couple years, was only 690!
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Yer I'm paying not a lot for my insurance, couldn't tell you how much as I can't remember but it's sub £300.

I doubt being 22 would make much difference but you could always do a quote as if you are and see if there is a difference.
Just realised theres an insurance sub forum on here, sorry! I think id be happy to pay up to 1.5k for the insurance aslong as I could drive it more than 1k.
Ill try adding my dad to it aswell (48 years old but only driving since 2001) and say im 22.
Oh how I dont want to end up with a corsa lol.

Im a uni student at the min so thats what im actualy putting down .. a very competent welder with quite abit of fabbing kit too but not actualy working as one .. putting self employed welder = better or worse?
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I don't know whether having parents as named drivers actually helps any more, I don't have any on the policy.
I had a corsa my first year and loved it actually, but wouldn't change back for all the money in the world, and to be honest I recon insurance wouldn't be much cheaper.

Best bet is to try a few options and see what's best, but bare in mind I wouldn't lie to them
Yeah corsa Insurance is always 2k+ on comparrison sites!
My area doesnt help with that though ..
Ill just fork out w.e it is for the first year with 3-4k miles :)
I've just got a disco 2 td5 and I'm 22, I've had my licence 5 years and my insurance was still just over 1k and i also have a second car! so i would say your looking at pretty fair price at 1.5 if you've just passed!
I've just got a disco 2 td5 and I'm 22, I've had my licence 5 years and my insurance was still just over 1k and i also have a second car! so i would say your looking at pretty fair price at 1.5 if you've just passed!

Bloody hell, who are you with? I've had licence 5 years also 22 but I'm paying less than £300
Tough one, just remember that 1000 miles is nothing! One trip to the supermarket each week and that's most of your allowance gone! So if your gonna get a expensive car to insure make sure your insured to use it and enjoy it.

Any 4x4 will be more expensive than a small hatchback due to the weight / size of it... My disco that is on limited mileage of 3000 miles per year is more expensive than my 2.0L newer petrol car (that your more likely to drive like a tit (but I do drive like a old fart these days) )

And telling lies about your profession probably won't do you any favours as you said its a hobby and your not a self employed fabricator/welder, so don't say you are one!
Although I don't think the companies like students, so I see where your coming from on that one. A bit like a bloke with no job who has 2 chickens as pets and says he's a farmer...

Anyhooo put in all your right details and see what it comes out with, you either pay it and enjoy the disco.... or what I did :( get a cheap boring hatchback for a couple of years to gain NCD and years on licence.

Landrover is a great enjoyable car id choose it over anything! But I wouldn't want to let the insurance companies take advantage of my wallet! The disco does that!

Good luck! :)
Tough one, just remember that 1000 miles is nothing! One trip to the supermarket each week and that's most of your allowance gone! So if your gonna get a expensive car to insure make sure your insured to use it and enjoy it.

Any 4x4 will be more expensive than a small hatchback due to the weight / size of it... My disco that is on limited mileage of 3000 miles per year is more expensive than my 2.0L newer petrol car (that your more likely to drive like a tit (but I do drive like a old fart these days) )

And telling lies about your profession probably won't do you any favours as you said its a hobby and your not a self employed fabricator/welder, so don't say you are one!
Although I don't think the companies like students, so I see where your coming from on that one. A bit like a bloke with no job who has 2 chickens as pets and says he's a farmer...

Anyhooo put in all your right details and see what it comes out with, you either pay it and enjoy the disco.... or what I did :( get a cheap boring hatchback for a couple of years to gain NCD and years on licence.

Landrover is a great enjoyable car id choose it over anything! But I wouldn't want to let the insurance companies take advantage of my wallet! The disco does that!

Good luck! :)

the thing with hatchabcks is they seem to come out the same as the landy ..
my areas horrible in terms of the usual chavs racing there little cars up and down roads so i cant ever imagine it ever being a decent price (birmingham area here!)

i was actually considering setting up and becoming a self employed welder as a side thing anyway :) i suppose my snapon mig would come in handy with a landrover ...

messaged the rep on here to see what is best so ill see what he says.
Seems a fair price but you need to reconcider your milage limits. You will hit 1000 in no time, regardless. Thats only two bloody tanks full lol. If you say you will only be doing anything less than about 8000, you will probably have to fill out a milage declaration form, so you won't get away with it. Secondly, don't under value your vehicle. Premiums are higher for vehicles worth less. 3rd party is typically more expensive than fully comp. You'll probably find putting your dad on won't make a difference. Don't be tempted to put him as the main driver, those days are over.

Don't bother with an auto, not at 21. You will be bored off your tits. That might effect your insurance too. To be honest, you shouldn't even be considering an auto. You'll never learn to drive properly. ;)

I don't think being 22 will make a difference, but ncb will. My first car was a disco (age 17) insurance was about 2500. Then it stayed at between 1500 & 2000 for a few years. Last year (aged 24) it was £750 and when I renew in a couple of months, now that I am 25 with 5 years NCB, it is down to £320.

Oh and a disco 3 is not a 300tdi disco ;)
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Haha cheers for the tips! new to landrovers .. in the researching my ass of stage at the min, (its not looking good for discoverys from what im reading tho!)
Theres just something about them I seem to really like.
I think ill be happy with first year at 2k aslong as the car only costs 1k .. pushing it I know :(
Is it better to get one thats already had welding work done to replace the usual rust areas? If its inevitably going to rust anyway woulnt that save the hassle? My welders usally get used to build gym equipment, never worked on car bodys.. cant be that hard though ay ?

Or maybe I should get a series landy and be forced into learning how to drive properly? Haha
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You should be able to get a decent 300 for £1k, my newest one was £1k and has very few problems. Just make sure you check the usual spots for rust and you should be fine. Whatever you decide I would change all fluids and filters straight away regardless of whether the seller said it has just been done.

I've also got a series and do love it but I don't think it would be the best first car, it's cramped, loud, uncomfortable, smelly and a pain in the arse to parellel park :)
Bloody hell, who are you with? I've had licence 5 years also 22 but I'm paying less than £300

I wish! I'm with admiral but i did loads of hunting round before i chose them< i pay 400 for my little Peugeot never mind the landy! i think its because i live in manchester not a cheap area to insure a car and also my no claims bonus are registered to the Peugeot but thats only because i didn't want to cancel my insurance a couple months before getting one more years no claims!
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Where you park it can be a problem, if it's on a road/street you will get punished In the wallet area for it :(

You could also look into those boxes that record your mileage, speed, braking ect as a discovery isn't a car you can easily drive like a knob.
But wouldn't blame you for saying a big no to that, I certainly wouldn't want some body watching my every mile.
Where you park it can be a problem, if it's on a road/street you will get punished In the wallet area for it :(

You could also look into those boxes that record your mileage, speed, braking ect as a discovery isn't a car you can easily drive like a knob.
But wouldn't blame you for saying a big no to that, I certainly wouldn't want some body watching my every mile.

As soon as you went offroading, you would look like the world's worst driver :D
I wish! I'm with admiral but i did loads of hunting round before i chose them< i pay 400 for my little Peugeot never mind the landy! i think its because i live in manchester not a cheap area to insure a car and also my no claims bonus are registered to the Peugeot but thats only because i didn't want to cancel my insurance a couple months before getting one more years no claims!

That makes sense then, I've got my no claims on the disco, as the insurance says it makes no difference on a classic car policy.
You should be able to get a decent 300 for £1k, my newest one was £1k and has very few problems. Just make sure you check the usual spots for rust and you should be fine. Whatever you decide I would change all fluids and filters straight away regardless of whether the seller said it has just been done.

I've also got a series and do love it but I don't think it would be the best first car, it's cramped, loud, uncomfortable, smelly and a pain in the arse to parellel park :)

Thats reassuring :)
I will be taking a mechanic with me (im sure theres some in my family somewhere!)
Ovc it would be stupid to not expect some rust though right?
Looking through some 'how to's' it does seem a little straight forward welding up new bits albiet time consuming, no space for it in the workshop though so would have to on the drive.

My mate has one of those boxes on his punto .. he showed me his online tracking and it said hes quite a poor driver with speed/acceleration.
Cant imaging that doing any good for his insurance lol.
Im sure he still pays around 1.5k too as a new driver .. f*** that!
So ive gatherd that the body of the car rusts alot and is quite easy for me to fix having all the tools already and being quite straightforward with replacement panels being cheap ..cut it out and weld it in.
But does the chassis on a d1 have the same problem too? Cant seem to find much on that being an issue .. I know thats something I most likely wouldnt be able to fix at all.
Ive read about them being mechanicaly sound for the most part too .. so is it just body rust thats typicaly the issue here? If so then it seems like this makes a perfect first 4x4 thatll give me bits of welding 'practice' on thinner materials! :)