I suspect the long service interval was to make the car more appealing to fleet buyers, and if that's the case, LR aren't the first car manufacturer to do it.
VW list a 40k or 3 years interval for the Haldex Gen4, and a 20k interval for the Gen3.
So sticking to this or more often is beneficial.
The diff and PTU is an interesting one, as it's pretty common for components like these to have very long change intervals, across all manufacturers. For instance, the FL1didn't specify a rear diff oil change interval at all, just a periodic level check. The IRD (similar in function to the FL2 PTU) had a 75k change interval, and specified fully synthetic oil too.
The FL2 rear diff and PTU are known to be somewhat fragile, so using these fragile components with degraded oil is simply asking for trouble. Same for the Haldex, although in that the fluid fills with clutch pack dust, blocking the filter, causing the pump to overheat and fail.
As for other make components.
The FL2 is effectively a Volvo XC70, S80, V70, which themselves were based on a Ford Galaxy EUCD platform.
There are very few mechanical components which are made by LR, most are marked FoMoCo (Ford Motor Company), as that's who made them. Here's my rebuilt rear diff, which clearly has FoMoCo cast into the casing.
View attachment 231085 There are several components, mostly electronic items which are carried over from Volvo, so these parts are marked as such. Even the key dock and fob are Volvo items, so they look and work the same way.