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Why is it that if you knock over a tin of paint on concrete it's there for all time, but if you paint a concrete floor it wears off ? I painted my garage floor about ten years ago with red floor paint from B&Q. It's still OK on the areas that I don't walk on and where stuff is stacked on it, but quite a bit has worn off nearest the door where it's been scuffed by the tyres of my Harley when I push it backwards into the garage. I have a piece of old carpet in front of my work bench to stand on for when the weather is cold as I have no heating in the garage. It also cushions the impact if I drop something breakable, or something that would clatter, however a load of dust has penetrated it and coated the floor underneath it. The paint there is still good though. The floor looked great after painting it, but when it dried and I put all my bits and pieces back in; I thought it had darkened the floor area a lot. I wish I had bought the light grey paint, but I will next time I paint it.
I had emptied the garage and swept, then vacuumed it before painting. Tried to evict a large spider that lived in the corner by the door but he dashed into a hole so I had to leave him. Next morning when I opened up to check if the paint had dried, I found him stuck to the floor but still alive. Luckily for him he had stood still and not laid down so I got my Stanley knife and carefully cut the paint under each of his eight legs and off he trotted looking as if he was wearing red patent shoes.
You sir should write a satirical DIY column in the national press!
I think I will go for frigate grey - I need to fit my side door first - I need to build a door liner and fit it then make sure the door actually fits and opens and closes and swings and stuff... I can't be bothered!
I am more looking forward to installing my lighting.