Freelander security

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Thanks for the replies, yep my insurance ran out and indeed wouldn't expect them to help out

West kent is my landlord and when I rang them I wasn't trying to give them a sob story but asked them if they could replace the window I would then pay monthly until I paid for the broken window, but they said its my problem, which suprised me as they have been very good, but suppose with all the budget cuts they have to say no to things ,

Got my contents insurance renewed but of course know I can't nor wouldn't put a claim in as that's fraud and certainly wouldn't go down that road

Just still can't work it out unless like you say they put the window in then get through the window and nick the tv and keys etc, does make a bit more sense I suppose

Luckily I couldn't sleep and was laying on the sofa watching top gear, but you can see the tv from the road during the day when the curtains are pulled back but have net curtains but you can see it when its on, so going to get some vertical blinds and thanks for the link some cctv

I can't sleep at night anymore until hopefully things will settle down

Maybe they are local and think I'm a benefit cheat etc as I'm on DLA , but I worked for over 25 years as a heating engineer until I had my accident smashing 5 discs

Going to also invest in a flood light out the front with a sensor on it and also seem a sensor you can put on your wall that has an infered beam so if someone comes towards a light will come on or you can attatch it to an alarm in doors

As always money comes into play and just hope that one day these people get the same done to them

I wondered that when I went out there and saw them could have thrown a brick through there side window but could have hit him in the head and hate to admit would have felt guilty and we all know I would have been knicked for gbh or worse

Its the not knowing why that is driving me nuts, I keep myself to myself, could they have got the wrong house

Also going to put some plastic secondary glazing inside the front room window for a bit extra security

Well one I can save up that is, checked the morning my mot car insurance is coming up with having to renew my home insurance and having to pay for the window its been a **** week

Still like everyone else **** happens,

Just worried about the car now

Muat get some pics on here for you just got to get them onto the computer

Thanks guys for listening and I would hate for anyone else to get there home vandalised or there landy knicked

If by me warning others about kent police warning about landy's getting knicked it will be worth it

As land rover owners are the only ones I know who stop by the roadside to help others and still great to see there is still compassion in this screwed up world

Now going to check out all the links etc

Just can't work out why but still I may never know

oh right yes sorry you would think landlord would help out

I think your right, that I'm reading into this to much

Suppose since having my accident I feel more vunrable than I use to be and like all others my landy is my lifeline

As if it got knicked etc the insurance company as always would try and give you as little as possible

I've been fortunate enough not to have my home vandleised before and has really shook me up , in addition it could have been a lot worse as my 2 dogs sleep under the window and they could have got hurt

It just made me so angrey that whoever did this didn't think of what could happen

Supposing someone had a pacemaker and they could have died by a supposidally innocent prank

What's wrong with these people, how would they feel if it happened to them

Well as the ols saying goes what goes around , comes around

I wouldn't have dreamed of doing this when I was younger as I would have then faced my parents , I'm not saying I was an angel but never done any form of vandlism in my life due to the consequences

Have rang the police to see if a local psco could come round and advise me etc about crime prevention etc, they said the crime isn't seriuos enough, I was really upset that that they didn't care about how it effected me

Thought preventive policing and community was important but I was wrong

Just doesn't put much faith into the system but understand in one sense due to budget cuts and they see horrible things every day that they start to go numb with crimes of this nature and don't have nuch to go on

I'm defentely going to get a security light up but just have to work out how to get a wireless infered sensor put at the front of the drive so when it is crossed will put the light on and give a beep indoors as an indication someones around

Of course if someone wants something they will get it

Just think it will make me feel safer with having the light and later on some cctv, also to protect my dogs going to put some plastic secondary glazing inside of the front room window

Thanks so much guys for listening to me going on like an old women and really do appreciate your kind words and advice
