Er. No and No.
Ron spent many years researching the TD4 and how to extract more out of it.
I don't know of a DIY way to achieve the same results.
The things that Joe is proposing for his L won't work on the TD4. The M47R is a much more advanced engine, so needs much more advanced modifications to improve its power.
Some improvements in response can be had by improving air flow into and out of the engine. However substantial or even mild power gains will need more fuel. This is where the Ron box come into play
True...! - but - the ronbox is not
that clever really, and it only does a little bit more than the simple mod needed for the L series (but does it by a combination of analogue and digital) (I am actually going for a full remap as the 'ronbox' type mods cannot alter timing directly and also they are a bit crude for my liking). The TD4 unit is basically tapped into the fuel pressure sensor and passes false info to the ecu to increase fuel pressure. It is a simple embedded micro that has a form of 'map' built in - basically a set of pre-programmed responses. Not an exact thing like a true MAP in an ecu for example - just a simple broad lookup. It also taps into the boost sensor to sense load. I have not looked at one that close as it holds no real interest for me, however, If I was doing it I would simply take the analogue input from the sensors - apply it to a look up table in the micro (selectable tables are simplicity really as are non linear repsonses) and then output the 'fudged value' to the ecu via PWM through an RC filter .. - I am sure that is what is happening in the basic form.
Same for the MAF - all that it is doing is a similar thing to the pressure sensor - tweaking the values and applying them to the ECU to fool it. Also in an effort to sell the mercedes units over the BOSCH - (to use the merc units you need to increase the MAF ouput value (meaning you have to buy the 'box' to go with it - however - that is absolutely simple to do using nothing more than an op amp an a few resistors.)
The components still cost pennies - the perceived value comes in the work done by the guy to enter the best fudge values. It is still fairly crude but it certainly works.
I personally see no reason why a simple linear tweak to the sensor would not be perfectly acceptable for the vast majority of folks! - same across the range (yes with a bit of idle disable and overrun by boost sensor tapping.)
By having a 'full digital unit' which is actually a misnomer - as they
certainly are not - (they are a digital analogue combo) - it can be sold for many many models of cars - where - for example- the copy he made of the EVRY mod cannot be sold for an L series AND fit a BMW. - this makes it cost effective to produce not necessarily far improved.
So really, although the M47 engine management is certainly more advanced than the L series(not more reliable lol - but more advanced) - the actual 'tuning' box is doing little more than it did on the L series - it is simply fudging a value. You could adjust the EVRY mod for less or more - so you can for the td4, the difference being that there is some extremely basic lookup tables done in the later td4 version. the end result in the Vin Vout is little difference though if you compared it to the L series.
The main thing though is - that it works, it is not a marvel of technology - but again it does the job and that is what people want.
Many people seem to have issues with the 'tuning' box with auto tranny. This is down to lack of integration into the system. It is simply not that clever as it is still tricking sensors.
I would do my own system if I had a TD4 but for anyone not into programming embedded micros it is not feasible. - but for 99% of people an add on box is required if they want to 'tweak it' - T
there are loads of cheap ones on ebay as well, and I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss them out of hand (Some will certainly be crap - but some will be as good at a fraction of the price). - as said - it isn't rocket science what the box actually does and there are various UK sellers offering a unit with really good value. Just ask them for a warranty and if you had issues can you send it back. ?. I doubt you would in most cases.
ALL promoters of these kinds of voodoo boxes use 'theatrical license' in their descriptions of the virtues of their products - the Synergy is no difference in its speel. It is a damn good product ! - I agree, but there are others.
Alibro should have got an L series