Hi, I need some advice with issues on my better half's Freelander 1 td4 2002. It is the common one relating to the tailgate and BCU module. In the past year I have replaced the tailgate window motor and tracks, door lock and external handle. The latest issues started with multiple clicks from the latch when handle was used. Then it wouldn't open at all. Followed by window issues, it will go down but not up. Motor works fine up and down from separate 12v supply. Tried re calibrating BCU multiple times, but switch won't raise window and bleeps if you press down. Also have a door open light on the dash and have to leave drivers door unlocked. So I figured issue must be BCU unit. I took the old one off today to check part number, but can't find a YWC000492 with fobs in the UK. Any suggestions please that don't involve a petrol can or explosive!

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