Can i have one of my small sniggers there P38 Ireland
There seems to be just a small bit of confusion i need to set straight.

Seems to be in confusion between the two different FAULTMATE products, the MSV-2 and the FCR.
The FAULTMATE FCR is provided only in Single Vehicle form (Ie locked to VIN) and for one vehicle at a time only.
However as P38 Ireland has discovered and is explaining, that is no where near as restrictive as it may at first seem because for 20 quid, you can get a re licence file from us that will allow you to de lock the FCR from the vehicle you have it currently locked to and lock it to another. In P38 Irelands case he went from one P38 to another, but it would be the same if he went to an L322, Sport, Disco 3, Disco 4, Freelander II or any other model the FCR covers.
As he states, it's a real doddle to do to.
The FAULTMATE MSV-2, (in either NANO or EXTREME form) Is by design a traditional multi vehicle system (Not locked to VIN). However rather than having to buy software in Multi Vehicle form for the entire vehicle (all on board systems) all at the same time, we make it so you can buy licences on a Per vehicle system basis. ABS, Hevac, BeCM, EAS, Autobox, Engine Management. For example you could buy just EAS and Engine management.
More can easily be added at any future point if needed. Granted if you added up all the modules in MV form for a given vehicle, it adds up significantly but then the MSV-2 is the most capable and functionally superior system there is.
For repairers / businesses, we also provide a cheaper pack of licences to cover all P38 systems in all variants too.
However we do also offer a range of single vehicle licences (locked to VIN) for the MSV-2 system hardware that gives you full coverage of all the systems of any one vehicle at a discounted rate.
Just like the FCR, this is not as restrictive as it seems because if you want to change your vehicle, as P38 Ireland did from one P38 to another, again for a small admin fee, this is really easy to do.
However unlike the FCR, the MSV-2 can have up to 3 vehicles licensed on it in single vehicle form at the same time which gives the opportunity to add a second and third vehicle.
The cost for an additional P38 SV licence is 242.73 GBP.
I hope this makes it clearer and helps