Exmoor trim 3-point seatbelt

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I need to sort myself some of these soon - the static belts are very annoying and restrictive. I'd also be keen to hear if they can use the same mountings. Anyone..? :)
afai remember the inner and upper mount is the same, or you can use it at least, but the outer lower mount needs a bracket or some fabrication. or you mount it on the front hardtop bracket if hardtop is on.

but thats from the top of my head
That's a centre seat kit and if you can find room behind the seats to fit the inertia reel bit it should fit on the existing fittings. If you want to fit belts to the outer seats you'll need the brackets for the seat base bottoms and the door tops - I fitted the inertia reel bits on the bulkhead top rail on mine.
Thanks lads,

Is the bulkhead strong enough for the job. I guess I could just get the reel in behind the seats but that would leave less room for all the crap (starting handle, breaker bar, torch, crisps, etc) that I hide behind the seats. There is a ridiculously large roll-bar behind the bulkhead so that is effectively wasted space....

If anyone has any pictures of how they have mounted theirs I'd be very grateful...

The static belts fix onto the top rail so I can't see any problem with fitting inertia reels there.
I mount my harnesses to the bulk head and they've passed MOT's and seem solid.

However, if you have a roll cage you could mount the seat belts to that?
Thanks bump. I think I'll mount mine on the back of the bulkhead too. is the spreader that comes with the kit enough if I mount it just below the top rail our do I need to fabricate something? I'll try passing the belt over the roll cage though as having it below shoulder height looks a bit uncomfortable....

Will be having a go fitting day after tomorrow. Will post up pictures for approval!

Just found out that gger layup belt that is fitted doesn't work...half ford transit half land rover. After ten minutes there were already arguments from the gaffer about jamming the overdrive up her chuff and elbowing her in the tit every left turn....hee hee. Got to drive rotterdam to beilefeld next week!