To be fair I think woolfy has a point to a certain degree, while my views are different to many others we do have a certain common ground.
I'm not trying to drive people off of LZ, infact having people you share different opinions with adds to the discussion and banter.
We have seen a range of opinions and I would like to offer a compromise if people will agree.
As adults we should take responsibility for our actions, by this is two sided.
I suggest the "potentially really offensive stuff stays in "Anything goes"
for the occasional photo that may not be safe for work or youngsters in the general section-
label it so
Other side of the coin is if you have young ones-stay away from anything goes, check with LZ-live before opening the post which hopefully has a hint not to.
As for woolfy-he's not my best mate, but in the same respect I hear his point of view