Hmmm so a few issues with the install...
First up the vcredist didnt load as my laptop is x64bit OS, the file on the download is only x86.
I do have the CD that came with my Mongoose cable which has the x32, x64 file.
I continued with the installation (probably should have stopped there but...) and while it all went through and completed I got this on completion.
But I continued... I went into Topix and checked the SDD software and it was the same version as this one (was I meant to check anything else)
So I installed the patch (offline) but I didnt get any request to log in etc (maybe I am just not understanding the instructions correctly)
I installed the interface driver and tried to open up and it failed to start... giving me this screen message
I guess I can uninstall JLR software and try running the vcredist install from the Chinese CD then try again... but just wondering if I am missing something in the steps... especially with regard to Topix...
All assistance is greatly appreciated
UPDATE: OK, I bit the bullet and uninstalled JLR software and installed the vcredist file from my Chinese CD (includes the x64 files) and then re-installed JLR and it all worked... well I havent connected to the Rangie yet but it all comes up OK in Internet Explorer.
I need to make the registry change to stop it trying to use Microsoft Edge but that is easilly sorted as was getting the right version of Adobe Acrobat.
I managed to download the As built files as well... but I think I managed to hit the OK button before they were all downloaded to the flash drive.
Everything is there on the flas drive but I dont know how the SDD will access that info... still I am further ahead than I was...
Again... if I am not doing anything correctly... please let me know