No Marty doesn't have any of my laptops, he has my Faultmate leads and disks. the EAS unlock download is on my old laptop which is running Windows 10. The obd to usb lead and the laptop is the equipment I've been using for years, now it's not showing anything in the Rd buffer column. I've stripped the obd plug out and there is no sign of corrosion,I was about to pin out the socket when I was called inside because Herself has had a scam email, why she couldn't just delete and forget it I don't know. Marty thinks the problem with the connection between the Faultmate and the laptop is the series to usb adapter. He's getting another,testing it on his laptop before he sends it back. The trouble is I sent him a disc with the eas unlock on it, I don't have it downloaded on my other laptop.Confusing isn't it, oh how I wish I still had my Classic.