Did you see the live data or was it done without your presence?
The dpf pressure should be as low as possible at idle, around 1-2mbar. Then read again at 2000rpm. A high figure at idle above 8-10mbar will show a partial blockage. Reseting the light just makes the system re access its self leading to the same result.
There is a spray I've used at the garage to help clean out a clogged dpf a few times and once on a d4 with the same issues.
If you have a freind with diagnostics check the differential pressure at idle and engine warm also note the weight of the ash in the dpf then do a regen after checking the engine oil level and compare results.
If it starts to drop after a regen then you have two choices. A cleaning agent to speed up the clearing of soot or at least once a month give it a good run out and as suggested start driving it with a little more vigueur

Failing that and the soot levels don't drop or the pressure doesn't change a more in depth approach may be needed.
Depending on the fault, the differential pressure sensor should be checked for blockage or an internal fault

We had a bmw x1 at the garage with a completely blocked dpf. This thing wouldn't even run or idle it was so clogged... A new dpf followed... What a crap job that was to do