I copied this from a student chemistry thingy below. Don't mean much to me cause I spend me days shagging Highland cows (All in jest Mate
but worth a look and maybe you can explain to me the holes in it. Thanks.
I do want to believe this water lark yeah, but not because I am a fool who bought crap. I bought a K&N filter for my diesel - so I have bought crap before, but I like to try and save a few pound on fuel. I do around 500 miles a week in my old 88 diesel...
The simplest way to make Brown's Gas is to use an electrolyzer, which uses electricity to split water into its elements of hydrogen and oxygen. At the instant that the water splits, the hydrogen and oxygen are in their mon-atomic state, this is H for hydrogen and O for oxygen.
Normal electrolyzers encourage the hydrogen and oxygen to drop to their di-atomic state. Di-atomic means the hydrogen formed H2 and the oxygen formed O2. The di-atomic state is a lower energy state, the energy difference shows up as heat in the electrolyzer. This energy is now unavailable to the flame.
WHAT IF a significant number of these H and O atoms did not reform into di-atomic molecules? We start by adding 442.4 Kcal per mole to split water using electrolysis. This is an endothermic (energy absorbing) action. But if we have no, or little, 're-bonding' into di-atomic molecules, then our electrolyzer wouldn't heat up, because there would be no exothermic reaction that would cause excess heat, beyond the agitation of the fluid by the bubbles. This 'lack of heat' in the electrolyzer is what I noted in my experiments that actually produced Brown's Gas.
There would also be a significantly larger volume of gas produced by the electrolyzer, well beyond any reasonable expectation of a 'normal' electrolyzer, because the mon-atomic moles would take up twice the volume that the di-atomic moles for the same weight of water electrolyzed.
My experiments verify this: not to that efficiency, but much more volume than you could expect by assuming a maximum efficiency to a normal electrolyzer. The math and experiments are well documented in Brown's Gas, Book One'. For a quick example, let's use the results of an independent test of Brown's Gas by an engineer named Harald Hanisch. Mr. Hanisch was Director of Research and Development of Simmering-Graz-Pauker, a large machine-building and railway-car manufacturer owned by the Austrian government. He couldn't believe that oxygen and hydrogen could be mixed and burned safely and he certainly would not believe that Yull Brown got any 340 liters of gas per kilowatthour.
Mr. Hanisch decided to go to Australia to see for himself. He wanted to test for himself the actual input of electricity and the actual output of gas. During his actual testing, with the water displacement method, he found Yull Brown's machine produced 368 liters per kilowatthour.