Desperate call for HELP

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Active Member
New Forest
I desperately NEED another FREELANDER Mark 1 TAILGATE Heated Glass Window or else another Complete Door. Colour immaterial, I can get it sprayed.
Please If anyone has either of these can you please contact me asap.
Send a message and I will contact you with details for delivery or collection.
Please help. Cheers
I have this part available if you still need.

It comes attached to the host vehicle to make collection easy, simply get a train down and drive your window glass back home, all attached. Vehicle available for £5000 ONO. Part not sold separately.

Vehicle also contains many other Freelander parts which the buyer may find useful. Supplied as a single roadworthy unit with valid MOT for several months.

Underneath, as a special and unique feature, the vehicle is coated with a special layer of Hampshire earth, perfectly composted and rich in nutrients.

Pro tip: for a quick veggie patch, simply flip the vehicle on its roof, sprinkle seeds liberally over the underside and water regularly. Remember to remove the glass first.
Further thought, why don't you get one custom built if you need it that much? Here's a couple of companies that do custom jobs for old vehicles, they might be able to accommodate.

There's a few others that do custom auto glass too, in fact I'm sure I've seen an ad in the landy mag for custom Landrover glass replacements, but for the life of me can't find the issue with it in. Probably soaking up oil in my sump guard or something 😜

Lmk if you get anywhere.