Gotta say, just got home, cold and wet! But an ace day, a great route and I didn't have to lead ...

Many thanks for sorting the route, Ian, David for leading and the rest of you for being there ..

I apologise especially to Ian over the mix-up on the very first lane, I spoke about a different, very similar lane, just got mixed up!
Makes a change to do a route that isn't all about how tough it is or how macho you are, I thoroughly enjoyed it. My 90 didn't .. started with a clanging sound that was eventually traced to a front prop UJ, that developed into a clanging, grinding, which meant the diff and transfer bearings were also succumbing to age and lack of maintenance ... to a very 'odd' feeling coming on and off power, alongside a bigger grindy noise, so we peeled off before the last lane and came home steadily. Got home OK, but it looks like the prop slider, both front prop UJ's, front diff bearing and transfer box bearing are ex-good parts, they are deceased. So I can't afford replacements, which brings forward the change from this transfer box to the one from my old Disco, and a replacement diff I already have. I'll maybe buy a new prop or something ...
Locking diff worked fine .. not that I needed it, but I did try it out on Hurstclough and another steepish lane. Off to the bath now and an early bed I think ..