Departing - 09/03/09............... Fingers crossed!

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hi all

sorry ıts been a whıle but we have been quıte busy . we have just updated the blog for syrıa, wıll do jordan when we get to ıstanbull whıch should be ın a few days. On the down sıde someone has got hold of my credıt card detaıls and has taken 689 pounds out of my account. thıs ıs not so good as ıt was our money to get home from turkey wıth!!!

Stıll am sure we wıll fınd a way home some how!!!!!
oh yes they cancelled my credit card and have issued me with a new one, only problem is that my new card is at home and not much use to me there!!!
i am not to sure hes bothered anzmore!!!!

we are in budapest for a few days and will be home in the uk in less than a week!!!!

anyone know of any jobs in north devon????
g'day mate, i'm planning a similar trip in my 3.5 v8 rr classic so would be keen to find out details especially about the stans as i've read some bad stories about that (i wanted to do the pamir highway but apparently theres loads of trouble there)... i've got a few questions regarding fuel distances..availability of unleaded or other petrols email is cheers tom
They came and did the interview just after we got back and we gave them 20 pictures and that was the only one they used. we got told it was going to be a half page story but there you go.
Well done. Welcome back. Blog and news article both great (shame about the Super Bowl hogging up the space - would have much preferred to see a map of your route on the top half of the paper! thoughtless journalists!)