Defender Door Catch alignment

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Suffering Sod

South East
Hello all,
This question has probably been done to death so do point me in the right direction if its applicable.
I recently had a new chassis fitted and since then the pas door has been tough to open. I've worked out that the door is dropping towards the rear and the striker is rubbing along the top of the catch and causing the toughness. I think the door needs to come up a bit (5-8mm maybe less). The Britannica Restoration videos didn't quite hit what I'm looking for...

My real question probably is in short: Should and how do I adjust the hinges to achieve this or is it more complicated?

Many thanks!!
If the door is "dropping" in other words the shut gap opens up as you look down the tub door line this indicates a hinge issue.
Adjust by loosening the screws holding hinge's to bulkhead and lifting door up at the rear some. Both top and bottom hinges have some movement available.
If the door is "dropping" in other words the shut gap opens up as you look down the tub door line this indicates a hinge issue.
Adjust by loosening the screws holding hinge's to bulkhead and lifting door up at the rear some. Both top and bottom hinges have some movement available.

He's just had a new chassis and hasn't said what car it is...
@Suffering Sod , okay - if you've just had a new chassis fitted your issue is with the rear tub-to-sills-to-bulkhead alignment. You need to follow Mike at Britannica's video and get the correct door gaps first. If these are good, next is to adjust the B pillar catch. If there is not enough catch movement to ensure a good alignment, open up the catch holes to enable this.

Do not fudge it by forcing the bulkhead forward with ratchet straps.

If you're still having problems something is still mis-aligned post new chassis install :. go back an re-check all measurements.
sounds like they never realigned the body just took if off/on and assumed it would be the same and just put the old washers back in.

Brittanica Restorations YouTube will help you set it back up - it’s a pain in the arse and faff to get it right -

Cliff notes - if door is tipped closer at top than bottom and isn't parallel then its because the bulkhead foot in the engine bay is too close probably because of the commitment to land rover tolerances on new chassis’ – you may have some movement just in the hinges to try first to counter this if its slight.

Loosen the 4 bolts on the bulkhead first then lift at opposet bottom corner of door and tighten again, then check, if not enough and no more movement try the 4 inside door hinge and repeat.

otherwise maybe worth getting a body shop to help loosen a few bolts and tip the bulkhead a mm or 2 with the right tools. I used a jack and plank of wood to help tip my bulkhead when it was together and doors were out but the creeks were un-nerving and im still a little out rather pay someone with insurance in case it goes wrong.
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