When you set off to sort a normally straight forward little job and find Mr Magoo was there before you 
Centre console with broken tabs screws missing etc, damping foam missing, center plate usually held on with rivets had little 7/8 millimetre bolts inserted which is fine except they were for show as the plate lifted straight off as not attached to anything finally the bolts that hold the bias plate in place were slightly rounded off which was hilarious.. they obviously gave up at this point and left the broken plate neatly in place for the next guy to sort out...

Centre console with broken tabs screws missing etc, damping foam missing, center plate usually held on with rivets had little 7/8 millimetre bolts inserted which is fine except they were for show as the plate lifted straight off as not attached to anything finally the bolts that hold the bias plate in place were slightly rounded off which was hilarious.. they obviously gave up at this point and left the broken plate neatly in place for the next guy to sort out...