D2 leaking steering box?

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Thetford, Norfolk
Mornin Ladies and Gents .

Went laning yesterday and managed to loose all power steering, checked the bottle and it was well below Min. Knowing that I had checked it before going out i was a bit concerned.

Had it in the air this morning and it seems to be dry above the box but ****ing out below!?

On stands the vehicle will smoothly steer left and right to both locks, 9n the floor it is near impossible and goes through phases if being hard then smooth, if that makes sense.

What are my options


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Didnt realise but Autosteer are just down the road from me.
Popped down to see the setup and they are a small workshop with shelves of steering racks and boxes in various stages of rebuild.
Didnt realise but Autosteer are just down the road from me.
Popped down to see the setup and they are a small workshop with shelves of steering racks and boxes in various stages of rebuild.
I have just last week fitted one of their recon box's. Came with 2yr warranty for £150
We will see how it goes
From what I have often seen it’s rust creeping up the output shaft, destroying the seal. And what with gravity pulling the fluid against it constantly all it will do is leak out past the destroyed seal
So an update,

On Saturday I had it up on stands and circulated Stop leak around the system, let it sit until Monday where I have also added some brake fluid, and have not had an issue since!!

No moans and groans, no leaks, I'm amazed!

So an update,

On Saturday I had it up on stands and circulated Stop leak around the system, let it sit until Monday where I have also added some brake fluid, and have not had an issue since!!

No moans and groans, no leaks, I'm amazed!

Great news, how much brake fluid did you add I might give mine a dose until I can 're build the spare box.
Stop leak fixed the ooze I had on the D1, will do the same with this one as and when I need to. Might only delay the inevitable but for the small outlay it’s worth a go.