Advice/reassurance required - is my head or head gasket on the way out?
Three months ago I got the soggy starter motor... so changed the FPR, genuine part, new gasket, but old O ring on the pencil filter...all fine for about 1000 miles... soggy starter motor again... refitted with new gasket and ) ring this time.... a week later under the car again, soggy starter motor!!
So the FPR is clean as a whistle, still shiny and new... but the drips felt more oil like and didn't smell of diesel... warmed the motor, and had a good look around with a few revs on, and no sign on anything from FPR.
I have noticed a tide line of oilyness around the bottom of the head... worse on the right hand side for some reason... could this oil be blowing back and coming free below the FPR?
Whilst under there I noticed the coolant header tank had been blowing coolant out of its cap... and I got sudden stabbing pains in the wallet
Its a 2001 Defender TD5 with a 10p engine, at about 115,000 miles... pulls well and starts on the button... slight hiccup on idle now and again.
Any pointers and advice much appreciated... is it just about time to get the head off and checked professionally, and am I just lucky to have got away with it this long?
Had a further look around while waiting for a response...
I may be a the first stages of Head Gasket Failure... so looked into kits - - this one from Turners looks like the job... worth going for the three hole Head Gasket?... and to confirm I need the early type, as I have a 10p engine?... I was amazed to see only two locating dowels in the kit - no wonder why the plastic ones weren't up to the job!
Having looked at dirtylillandy's report on this job, I think it might be beyond my capabilities, and tool selection - unless there's someone nearby that fancy's offering some help!?... will probably opt for a local indy.
Any advice on driving it in the mean time - go steady or don't move further than the nearest indy?