Croisiere Blanche 90

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i really wanna do the croisiere blanche in my defender!!!
but i dont have the money to afford to kit my landy out with stuff or the time to prepare and take part in the event, since i am at uni :p

maybe after uni i might sign up for 2011/2012
it looks amazing
i love Landys!!!!!
i love snow!!!!!
i love The Alps!!!!!

ahhh just have to wait i guess.... :(
Hi guys, I joined this forum after seeing this discussion about the 2009 Croisiere Blanche. I also want to attend/participate in this event, and you guys seem to have the same goal, with experience as well!

First off, I am not a Landy owner, nor am I in British. I am an American (no one is perfect right?), living in Germany with my wife who works for the US military. I drive an expedition-a-fied 1998 Toyota Tocama, and would LOVE to do this event in 2009. You guys speak English, so I figured this would be a good place to start :)

Gumbleweed, do you know when we can start booking for the 2009 event? I found the site for the event, but its in French, and I cant figure out much info from it. Any help will be much appreciated, and sorry for infiltraiting your forums with a non-landy vehicle!

My direct email is

Thanks! James Clegg
Hahaha......please excuse pikey for his comments....he is a still a nice guy...I have no comments on americans...cos my sister is now a "septic' so to, what makes me..????? hahaha

I believe it is still early for the 2009 event.....the organiser must be busy with the 2008 event in view......we aimed to place our bookings around July/, keep yourself updated on this thread as it goes...

If you want further information about the the organiser and ask for their brochures......I dont speak french either and managed to get the 2008 brochures from them...

I believed grumbleweed had also put up the basic modification needed to your vehicle for this event on the expedition section.....

disco steve.......

steering guard and diff guards are highly least I believe so....they are not costly, but can prevent very costly repairs....also, don't just fit the diff guard to the front, as most likely, the damage is done on the rear diff as you cant see where and you are reversing onto unlike the front..

Recovery points front and back are also very important...jate rings are good cheapish investment...

Grumbleweed.......I will be bringing my rangie with LPG.....and I heard the lpg fitted vehicle is not allowed through the tunnel. Is that right?


you will have to take the ferry= lpg is still not allowed on the tunnel!

as for anyone else wanting to join in on 09, stand by for info.
Be careful though - I did it last year and wrote off my camel 90 (mate driving). God only knows where it ended up
disco steve.......

steering guard and diff guards are highly least I believe so....they are not costly, but can prevent very costly repairs....also, don't just fit the diff guard to the front, as most likely, the damage is done on the rear diff as you cant see where and you are reversing onto unlike the front..

Recovery points front and back are also very important...jate rings are good cheapish investment...

Grumbleweed.......I will be bringing my rangie with LPG.....and I heard the lpg fitted vehicle is not allowed through the tunnel. Is that right?



Cheers buddy, was goimg to fit F/R diff guards, and missed a very nice G4 steering guard, but it's on my shopping list.

I have this idea to try and get a nice big Brit convoy, so far with Grumbleweed I think we have abouy 7-8 vehicles :D :D :D


From wot i read in this forum it sounds a gd trip. Would i beable to come if we go 2009. I have a series 3 lwb but im replacin the engine with a 200tdi-300tdi not to sure. Also suspension. Only thing is that i live in cornwall so we would have to meet somwhere before dover or at dover.

Cheers Tom
Well the worst has happened, i have sold my old 90, and bought a stunning 110 :) so it's just right for this kind of event, gonna be changing the tyres so do snow chains work on normal tyres or are they better on mt's?
Any recommendations on suppliers of snow chains?
just as long as they are the welded chain type they should be fine. get used to fitting them- it is tricky to get it right!!
Hi Busaboy,

Re snow chains, have a look at Flea Bay . . . .

Brand New 16mm 4x4 Vehicle Snow Chains to fit 16" Wheel on eBay, also Other Touring Travel, Touring Travel, Car Accessories, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 01-Jan-08 19:50:07 GMT)

Also, I think most of us will be travelling from Folkstone on the Chunnel, I live Gloucestershire, so you could tag on to our 'convoy' at Bristol area ?

Still it's a way off yet, so plenty of time to arrange.

Oh, btw, Gumbleweed, I e-mailled Le Randonnes people, got a nice colour info pack today !!
This year's event is Eur 355 (and a Eur 65 membership payment to the Les Randonnes)

I'm not sure if that is per vehicle, or per person - does anyone know ??

So that's Eur 440 . . . Just over £300 depending on the exchange rate.

Then you got to get across the channel, drive there/back and accomadation/food/beer etc

I'm going to budget about £700 in total, but am hoping to spend a bit less if I can. Some brave teams camp out ?? but that sounds a bit COLD to me, but would be cheap I guess.

Still, got a whole 12 months to save up, so it's not really that bad !!