"Alex Rodriguez" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> [email protected]
> says...
>>Total Bull****. The only reason the government has pushed the seatbelt
>>is so the cops can find your body easier after a crash, it will still be
>>strapped into the seat.
> That's a new one I had not heard before.
I have many friends, some cops, some First responders on the Fire
Department, I heard it straight from them.
>> My wearing a belt or not does not affect you AT ALL, except in those
>>delusions you have, and I do not grant you the right to decide for me what
>>is safe or not safe, because in the end, it's still your opinion over
> It is not an opinion but a fact that during a crash a seat belt will
> probably
> lessen your injuries. There has been plenty of research done on the
> subject.
> You may want to take a peek at the work done by others. Don't interpret
> this
> to mean that I am for mandatory seat belt laws, because I am not. I'm
> against
> the law, but I'm all for wearing a belt.
I agree wearing a seatbelt increases your chances of surviving a crash,
but it's benifits are limited.
I have a cousin, 20 now but 16 at the time of the crash who will spend
the rest of her life a total quadraplegic. She wore her seatbelt, it may
have saved her life, but what kind of life does she have now?
She is not only paralyzed for life below the neck, she has lost all
feeling, she does not even know if she is to hot or to cold, her father has
to check her temperature regularly and maintain it for her.
He was ready to retire, now with the medical bills that never stop he
will work until he drops, and when he isn't at work he has to see to her
every need for the rest of her life.
In my opinion, were it me, I would have preferred dying on impact.
Seatbelts are not guaranteed protection from injury or death, so I will make
the decision for myself.
I actually used to wear seatbelts, but I stopped that the day they
passed the law mandateing it. I will not obey an illegal law, and the
seatbelt law IS an illegal law.
>>I have been driving for over 35 years, in that time I have been in several
>>emergency situations, NOT ONCE would a seat belt have made a difference,
>>ONCE did I lose control of the vehicle, NOT ONCE have I had a wreck worse
>>than a very minor fender bender, and NOT ONCE in 35+ years of driving
>>wearing a seatbelt have been anything motre than an inconvience for me.
> Great news. Let's hope it stays that way.
It will. I'm a professional truck driver, I know how to drive safely, I
know how to avoid the other drivers when they screw up, which happens
several times a day. If I drove as poorly as the typical driver I encounter
daily they would be dead, it's always on my shoulders to avoid them and
their poor idiotc maneuvers.
Assuming the other vehicle will hit yours is simple survival on the
road.Planning in advance how to avoid them when they do it takes skill and
>>Perhaps if you seatbelt advicates would take the time to actually LEARN
>>to drive safely the seatbelt issue would disappear, avoiding an accident
>>the only way to insure you survive.
> Not quite. Safe driving is important and should be your primary defense
> against serious injuries while driving, but having a seatbelt as a back up
> is not a bad idea. There are times when you have no control over getting
> hit by someone else. That is when a seatbelt comes in handy.
All accidents are avoidable if you are alert. It's when you drop your guard
at the wrong instant that they occur.
I'm not against people wearing seatbelts, I agree they are a good safety
device. But the laws requuiring them are illegal and plain wrong.
Check out the National Motorists Association, they champion drivers rights,
including the right to decide for yourself whether or not to wear seatbelts.
They need more members to gain the clout to effectively fight these
oppressive, illegal laws.