Well teddy's out the cot.
This is tedious.
It does indeed do "something" but it isn't happening fast enough in the geological time frame in which I am faffing about with stuff.
Yes it will drip off - eventually
Washing it off is faster.
It kind of looks OK - no visible yellow / orange demons.
However - once dry with a bit of treatment from a nancy boy cheapo silverline (so called) wire brush attachment in a cordless drill - you get rust dust!
The rust is hidden under the black stuff
Molasses reminds me of a really slow working version of Fertan (this is a product that converts rust to black stuff much like that stuff the MOD used to use - can't remember what that is / was right now though...)
Anyway I conclude that molasses kind of does "something" eventually. It seems to be converting rust more than eating it away,
Because I'm going really anal on this rust I've now started the rustyco gel solution to see if I can reach a stage where wire brush treatment does not produce dust,
This is tedious.
It does indeed do "something" but it isn't happening fast enough in the geological time frame in which I am faffing about with stuff.
Yes it will drip off - eventually
Washing it off is faster.
It kind of looks OK - no visible yellow / orange demons.
However - once dry with a bit of treatment from a nancy boy cheapo silverline (so called) wire brush attachment in a cordless drill - you get rust dust!
The rust is hidden under the black stuff
Molasses reminds me of a really slow working version of Fertan (this is a product that converts rust to black stuff much like that stuff the MOD used to use - can't remember what that is / was right now though...)
Anyway I conclude that molasses kind of does "something" eventually. It seems to be converting rust more than eating it away,
Because I'm going really anal on this rust I've now started the rustyco gel solution to see if I can reach a stage where wire brush treatment does not produce dust,