clutch noise

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New Member
Sunny Blackpool
I need some help!
My clutch peddle went floppy whilst driving, I pulled over and pressed it again, it then went rock hard.

Got it to my local garage who said it was the clutch fork arm. They replaced the arm, and replaced the clutch at the same time. £580 !!!!!

I now get a chattering noise when I put it into neutral.
I took it back to the garage but couldn't get it to make the noise while I was there. They just topped up the gear box oil and sent me on my way.

It doesn't do it every time, but the noise does stop when I put the clutch in.

Is it something to worry about or do I take it back to the garage.
hi crusty
I had a clutch replaced in february, had the fork arm replaced and slave pushrod too total cost £300. So there is your first concern about the garage you used, i would believe the clutch is not aligned properly and the noise is the thrust bearing grating.I have owned my disco 200 for nearly 10 years and have had 2 clutches in that time with no problems. If the noise wasnt there before the fork arm holed then it is fair to say you have an alignment problem you must have a warranty with the work done so i would play my face until sorted,oh did they show or offer you your old clutch (you know were im going with this) not all garages are clued up on landies but are willing to take your hard earned,as i found out in the early days of owner ship.
Any way all the best fella hope you sort it either way;)
They had the Landy for 9 days, they told me they couldnt get it into gear smoothly and had to change the new clutch with another new one because they had been sent the wrong one.
The garage have looked after this landy for 10 years, and said its common for the fork to fail.
They did show me the fork and the clutch. the fork had failed on the pivot point, and smashed through. The clutch looked quite scored in the middle. But yes the noise was not there before.
Did they put a new clutch release bearing on, I'd be surprised if they didn't most clutches come complete with bearing. You say the noise go away if you take up the slack on the clutch peddle, could the noise just be the release bearing rattling around against the springy bits of the clutch? I'd be surprised if the clutch was out of alignment, if it was they wouldn't have been able to get the gearbox back on.
They did have the landy for 9 days and two clutches!!!
Yes the noise goes away as soon as you press the clutch in.
They only showed me the clutch plate, that was scored around the prong type bits for a diameter of about 2 and half inch.
I hate keeping my foot on the clutch at traffic lights.
I have been outside the landy left it running in neutral and it sound horrid.
The prongy bits are the clutch springs and the wear marks are from the release bearing. If it's that loud then it dunt sound like the bearing unless they did put the old one back in and it's totally knackered! Does the gearbox sound and work ok when your moving?
Sometimes it nice and quite in neutral with the foot off the pedal.
Some times its very very chattery.
The gearbox sound and works perfectly when im moving. and there is no sound if the clutch is pressed in. Only in neutral with the clutch out.