I've had a bit of slack in my transfer box for a while now, with a clunk when pulling away less carefully. As of 3 days ago however, that has stopped since I replaced a UJ on the rear that had gone. What now happens is it clunks very loudly on overrun and when changing down gears. It doesn't happen if I put the clutch out and coast though. Might be worth noting that about a month ago I fitted a roamerdrive overdrive.
So I've searched and have been checking through the list of things: bushes, a-frame joint, UJs. Next on my list was drive flanges, until it got much worse on my way back from work. Unfortunately I think me fitting the overdrive has made a knackered transfer box and possible gearbox mainshaft even worse. With it being my only vehicle and doing 300 miles a week to work, I am a bit concerned about continuing to drive it until I can fix it. Although, due to recently moving house its more likely I will be forking out for someone else to fix it. Any second opinions on it would be really helpful and appreciated.
The video below is with the vehicle in 1st gear, no handbrake, rocking the vehicle backwards and forwards. You can see and hear the clunk. It seems only to happen on overrun. Having been under checking the UJs before, I seem to remember the slack only going as far as just before the clunk. Now the clunk happens and then there is a bit more slack after it. The crunching noise is the drive by the way, not the vehicle!
I've had a bit of slack in my transfer box for a while now, with a clunk when pulling away less carefully. As of 3 days ago however, that has stopped since I replaced a UJ on the rear that had gone. What now happens is it clunks very loudly on overrun and when changing down gears. It doesn't happen if I put the clutch out and coast though. Might be worth noting that about a month ago I fitted a roamerdrive overdrive.
So I've searched and have been checking through the list of things: bushes, a-frame joint, UJs. Next on my list was drive flanges, until it got much worse on my way back from work. Unfortunately I think me fitting the overdrive has made a knackered transfer box and possible gearbox mainshaft even worse. With it being my only vehicle and doing 300 miles a week to work, I am a bit concerned about continuing to drive it until I can fix it. Although, due to recently moving house its more likely I will be forking out for someone else to fix it. Any second opinions on it would be really helpful and appreciated.
The video below is with the vehicle in 1st gear, no handbrake, rocking the vehicle backwards and forwards. You can see and hear the clunk. It seems only to happen on overrun. Having been under checking the UJs before, I seem to remember the slack only going as far as just before the clunk. Now the clunk happens and then there is a bit more slack after it. The crunching noise is the drive by the way, not the vehicle!