Hi all,
Made a bit more progress. Been working my way forward along the chassis prepping for paint.
I decided, for some unknown reason, to read the instructions on the rust.co.uk website for the paints I've been using and discovered that they only recommend using their Zinc Rich Primer, the sandy grey one which I used on the chassis and axle before the black top coat, on a keyed and rust free surface. That first section of the chassis was probably not suite the level of prep that i should have gone for, as it was clean but only to a wire brushed sort of finish, which apparently might be an issue for the primer bonding properly. Time will tell on the first section I suppose, but I'm going to make an effort to prep the rest better.
First I've been knocking the worst of the rust off with a twisted knot wheel on the grinder and then taking the surface back as clean as I can get it with a strip and prep disc. This is the same as the prep I had done on the first section of the chassis. Before applying the primer I've then been applying their FE123 rust converter and letting that do it's thing before cleaning the surface back and then painting. From now on I'm going to then hit the more pitted sections with a 40 grit flap disc to take the tops off the pitting. Obviously I won't be able to sand all the pitting away completely as that would involve taking too much material away, but I can knock the top back and then, if the surface is still not clean enough, then I will just follow Rust Buster's advice and not use the Zinc Rich in these areas.
The section I've been working on is from the crossmember at the front of the fuel tank on to the tubular crossmember that the A-Frame attaches to. As well as cleaning the surface back of course there are a few bits of rust to deal with!
One in the O/S spring Seat. I'm not totally sure if I'm happy with only cutting this much out to be honest. There has obviously been dirt or water getting between the chassis rail and the reinforcer inside it here, causing the two to be pushed apart. There is still a little more rust between them at the bottom left corner of the hole as it is now. I think I would prefer to cut more out, but I don't want to cut the spring seat off and I'm not sure how much further I can go without doing so.
There was one hole at each end of the bracket for the fuel tank - forgot to photograph but that's now all fixed. I took the bracket off completely, repaired it on the bench and replaced a section of the crossmember behind it. Here it is all welded back in. I welded the whole way across the top and will seam seal some of the sections on the bottom to try to reduce the chances of moisture getting between it and the crossmember again. Also painted both sides with weld through (the red Rust Buster one that I've been using throughout).
Finally both the triangular sections of the gusset for the tubular crossmember on the O/S end were rusted through. Obviously when I lopped the gusset off, I found some more rust in the chassis rail! To make up for the lack of photos above, here's every step of the way on this one.
The observant may notice that I've taken the entire heel board for the back footwell out to access this bit. I needed to replace the captive nuts for the seats anyway so this isn't too bad. I'll replace the captives on the bench rather than working around the tubular crossmember on my back. While it's out I'll strip all the paint back and weld up the holes in it or the panels it attaches to so that I can plug weld it back in afterwards.
I've also welded a couple of bits that I've had prepped for a while in to the N/S tailgate pillar ready to refit the rear crossmember.
Well that's up to date now. More progress in the next week or so I hope.