Chipping my TD4

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The bypass-do I need a EGR filter & gasket if fitting the bypass?
How much extra does this give in terms of power/Tq etc..
Where are all these things under the bonnet?
Will the car run fine/incresed pull & power with just the Synergy II & PB MAF?
Do I need to fit the MAF if I put a Synergy II in the Freelander?

EGR filter - It's a service item, so change it as required, a few quid.
EGR gasket - Probably not, it's a round O ring which sits in a groove in the end of the inlet manifold and probaly will be fine to reuse.
Have a good look you'll find them, except the filter, it's behind the engine below the windscreen on a floppy pipe, you'll know when you find it!
You can just fit the Synergy, but in a test I compared a brand new PB MAF against a brand new Land Rover MAF, no matter which settings I used, Land Rover MAF connected to Synergy or disconnected, the Synergy and PB MAF combination gave the best results. If you're skint, fit the Synergy first then buy the PB MAF later?
I can't give figures for the power and torque increase (no rolling road and I'm not that bothered with numbers, it's a 4x4 not my track car), just be satisfied that it will increase, the car will be more driveable and you'll be happier! Check the sticky thread at the top of the forum about fitting the EGR bypass, and use the search!
Right guys,I have a Synergy II & PB Maf in front of me but I need your help before I go anywhere near my Freelander.
The Synergy II has a thick black & thin black wire coming out of it,both have two plugs coming off that,what are they for and where do they go? 1 thick & 1 thin plug have tippex on them!
What does MAFAM stand for because i've looked in the Haynes manual i've just bought and there's no MAFAM in it!
Where do I fit this Synergy II & PB Mafam? Rover rons instructions state 3 pin TU connectors,where and what are they?
Exactly what sensor am I placing these two products on?
I need your help before I potentially ruin my Freelander and the two products i've just bought!!
What engine loom plug do I fit the TU connector into?
Where do I fit the MAFAM 5 pin connectors?
Do I not fit the Synergy II to the PB Maf?
What is the sensor to the rear of the oil filler the instructions mention?
What and where is the Air Intake Sensor Cable and why do I move it to a warmer position
Basically guys,i'm struggling,the instructions aren't that clear to me and I have two products in front of me which I don't know how to use.
What exactly am I replacing under the bonnet with these two products

Thanks to all who can help.
Before I start to explain what to do, can you confirm you are happy working on your engine electrical system, can comfortably understand the importance of safe working practices, that you know how to safely use hand tools around the engine and are comfortable drilling a hole in the air filter box using a small drill? I'm not being silly here, and please don't take offence, it's just from your previous post you seem VERY unsure what to do, and Ron's instructions though basic are actually enough for a home machanic to fit the items. Perhaps it may be best to trust the installation to someone with more mechanical knowledge? You will also need a special set of drivers called Star Plus to remove and refit the MAF sensor.
The thin lead goes to the MAF sensor behind the air filter cover by the oil filler and the thicker one goes to the pressure sensor on the end of the fuel rail. The instructions have photos with arrows showing the locations, if you really can't follow them you should get someone to fit it for you.
Chaser/Alan C
Absolutely no offence taken.I am not a mechanic.I work on human bodies in operating theatres which at the moment seem much much simpler!! I bought this product to fit myself after reading the posts on the topic I posted and after wanting more from the Freelander.I live in Cyprus so getting mechanics out here to understand what I want with the products would be difficult!
There is no mention of drilling required in Rover Rons instructions at all and I do have all the tools mentioned to carry out the task as per the instructions.I have star plus drivers.I am happy to work on the electrical bits under the bonnet,do I have to disconnect the battery to work fitting these products? I have worked on the window and lamps without disconnecting the battery
I understand the MAF means the mass air flow sensor and I need to replace the Bosch MAF with the PB Maf now (I read and printed out from Rover Rons website!)
Where would you recommend siting the Synergy II including cable tying the leads?
What is the significance of the tippex on the thick/thin lead and PB Maf?

Thanks guys, advice most appreciated!!
Ok, firstly there's no drilling with the Synergy 2 and you don't need to fit a Pierburg MAF unless the Bocsh one has failed completely.

The connections are self explanatory and will only fit one way PROVIDED you don't force them. Just remove the inlet ducting and the air filter cover (the 2 bolts in the back corners are a bit of a pain) and you can then fit the two maf connectors (5 pin). The white mark goes toward the squared end of the original plug as you look into it.

You can then fit the other connectors to the pressure sensor on the end of the fuel rail. White mark aligned with clip on original plug. Just use the pics in the instructions to guide you.
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Chaser, thanks for those instructions.
Which pressure sensor do you mean the other connections go onto on the fuel rail?
I've bought the PB MAF now so i'm thinking I may as well use it.
What settings do you recommend for the Synergy II,the posts on here are various!
Once removed the air filter cover & inlet ducting are there connectors inside it to connect the 5 pins to?
Thanks again.
I bet you when I actually get under the bonnet of my Freelander all this becomes self explanatory and is really easy to do,however there's never a stupid question asked and i'd rather panic now than later!
Right, I've fitted the Synergy II.Engine started,no warning lights,took car for a short spin and I did notice a difference on the settings (3 & 10/MAF switched off) that I tried as per the instructions (haven't fitted the PB MAF yet)
Where has anyone mounted the box? My battery is uncovered and there seems to be no space anywhere to site the box under the bonnet so it is on a flat level surface.
On connecting the TU plug to the sensor behind the air duct there was no audible click like there was when I removed the original sensor.I seemed to have to jiggle the TU plug into position and it was a tight squeeze,does that sound correct?
Where did people cable tie these leads so as not to touch the EGR exhaust gas pipe braided tube?
Removed the air filter cover,cannot get the screws at the back of it to tighten up again,any suggestions?
Fitted the MAFAM 5 pin connectors one to the MAF and the spare to the MAF connector that I removed to fit the Synergy one,is that correct? You mentioned fitting the other connectors to a sensor on the fuel rail,Rover Rons instructions don't mention this and there doesn't seem to be a plug big enough to fit it.
Where did people run the wire from the MAF to the TU box? I've run it along the front of the air filter cover and the TU box is just sitting on its side beside the battery
In the instructions it mentions siting the intake air temperature sensor cable,what's this? am I missing something out of the box?
Engine noise sounds different,is that expected? No black smoke seen out of the exhaust though.
Finally,does this sound like i've fitted it all correctly?
Thanks, all help appreciated.
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I used a Dremel type tool with a very thin cutting wheel to create a slot so I could use a normal screwdriver bit. Was a bit of a squeeze but it worked for me
Right, I've fitted the Synergy II.Engine started,no warning lights,took car for a short spin and I did notice a difference on the settings (3 & 10/MAF switched off) that I tried as per the instructions (haven't fitted the PB MAF yet)
Where has anyone mounted the box? My battery is uncovered and there seems to be no space anywhere to site the box under the bonnet so it is on a flat level surface. I have sited mine on it's side in some foam fixed to these pipes. Couldn't find anywhere flat either. I'll take a picture when car is at home.
On connecting the TU plug to the sensor behind the air duct there was no audible click like there was when I removed the original sensor.I seemed to have to jiggle the TU plug into position and it was a tight squeeze,does that sound correct? You will have to press the new connector in harder to compress the rubber seal in the plug, you will get it to click/lock, otherwise it will come off and stop engine. wd40 may help.
Where did people cable tie these leads so as not to touch the EGR exhaust gas pipe braided tube? I ran the wires under the inlet manifold to as the unit is on the drivers side so avioding the EGR pipe.
Removed the air filter cover,cannot get the screws at the back of it to tighten up again,any suggestions? The cover is not seated properly, when fitting use the guide at the right rear and slide down tilting slightly backward.
Fitted the MAFAM 5 pin connectors one to the MAF and the spare to the MAF connector that I removed to fit the Synergy one,is that correct? Yes. You mentioned fitting the other connectors to a sensor on the fuel rail,Rover Rons instructions don't mention this and there doesn't seem to be a plug big enough to fit it. You have fitted the other connectors I was referring to (3 pin) to the fuel pressure sensor.
Where did people run the wire from the MAF to the TU box? I've run it along the front of the air filter cover and the TU box is just sitting on its side beside the battery
In the instructions it mentions siting the intake air temperature sensor cable,what's this? am I missing something out of the box?
Engine noise sounds different,is that expected? Yes. No black smoke seen out of the exhaust though.
Finally,does this sound like i've fitted it all correctly?
Thanks, all help appreciated.

I'll post a picture of mine later.. Since my Bocsh MAF is ok I use setting 3.


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One pic of Synergy 2 unit and one of 3 pin connectors on fuel sensor, wires going under inlet manifold away from EGR pipe.


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Thanks for those photos.
Did I do this correctly with my TU box? When I connected the 3 pin connector to the sensor under the air duct I reconnected the old plug I removed to one of the connectors on the TU box,once i'd fitted the plug from the TU box to the sensor as instructed,the reason I ask is because you mention I need to attach a 3 pin connector to the fuel sensor but I don't seem to have any leads spare from the TU box.
I will jiggle that connector in its new housing as it seems to go only one way into the port until I get the correct seal. Panicking now that I seem to have missed something
Chaser,I dont understand the 3rd picture,is it showing me what we do as per Rover rons instructions for the connection.Is yours just a picture of how you ran the wires? I'm now wondering if I've fitted mine incorrectly and you are showing me how to do it.
I took of that sensors old connector,plugged the TU into that and connected the old connector to the other TU wire,was that correct as that seems to be what Rover Ron is getting at in his instructions,forgive me if i'm sounding stupid,rather be stupid than breaking my Freelander because of stupidity.
Moounting the TU as you did though once i've done all my other bits!
Think it's just clicked in my head what i've done
Rover Rons instructions.He is talking about connecting the 3 pin TU plug to the fuel sensor that is underneath the air inlet manifold anyway isn't he?
And I've already connected that correctly I take it,although it needs fitting better with WD40 correct? I connect it's old connector to the spare TU 3 pin connector,correct?
Sounds like i've done that side correctly?
MAFAM 5 pin connectors:Sounds like i've correctly fitted that to,correct?
I take it if I had'nt done everything correctly I wouldn't have noticed the difference in driving and the car would'ntve started,correct?
Think it's just clicked in my head what i've done
Rover Rons instructions.He is talking about connecting the 3 pin TU plug to the fuel sensor that is underneath the air inlet manifold anyway isn't he?
And I've already connected that correctly I take it,although it needs fitting better with WD40 correct? I connect it's old connector to the spare TU 3 pin connector,correct?
Sounds like i've done that side correctly?
MAFAM 5 pin connectors:Sounds like i've correctly fitted that to,correct?
I take it if I had'nt done everything correctly I wouldn't have noticed the difference in driving and the car would'ntve started,correct?

Sorry been away from pc while you've been posting. Anyway as you say in this one you have indeed done it all right, the 3 pin connection is the fuel sensor it's important that you get it to click in though.
Thanks for your patience,I will when ready try to better fit that 3 pin, plan to change the MAF for the PB I bought so will do all bits once my Torx TR tools turn up, not driving the Freelander until then anyway.
Can't believe,if I have done it all correctly how simple it all was to carry out!
Wonder how much mechanics would've charged for it's installation!?
One pic of Synergy 2 unit and one of 3 pin connectors on fuel sensor, wires going under inlet manifold away from EGR pipe.

Chaser,what did you use as the protector to your TU box which you attached to the coolant pipe, I ask because I cannot fully make out what sort of spongy thing it is, I live in Cyprus and cannot find pipe lagging/insulator anywhere, which is what I think your picture is showing, thanks. Could you email your answer to [email protected] as I don't checl this forum regularly, thanks again.
When I got the Synergy kit I was provided with a square of heavy duty velcro. I juts attached the module to the front face of the fuse box above the battery.

Dont have a camara with me to take photo sorry.
