Cheap fuel pressure check

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Well-Known Member
Anyone knows how this kind of transducer works ... Swo8hToTjk ? input 5V one side and it outputs the linear voltage 0.5 - 4.5V acording to pressure the other side? cos it's small enough to addapt it with a T piece in the FPR near the FT sensor, i'm thinking to connect it to a cheap small voltage display, something like this ... 1634808802 and i'll know the approx pressure based on the voltage display, 4 bar(58psi) = aprox 2.6V... i'm not up to fit a dedicated gauge + sender which are expensive and have big sensor but i'd go for such cheap version just to have a rudimentary pressure check
Just as it says you need a stable 5V supply and the output signal is proportional to the pressure, I had a quick look and saw this:
If you could mount it would give you time and temperature,and monitor battery voltage you would need a temperature sensor but its a common type, .

Or there's a in one solution at:
the pressure transducer looks a bit bulky though vibration may cause trouble

Would be interested to hear how it goes.
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Thanks, i've realised how it works after reading again it's description, missed that part first time... just to find some suitable T piece and i'll go for it, on mine it's more room around the FPR as it's LHD \and the steering is not in the way :)

anyone knows what thread the FT sensor has? ... or link me to a T piece for that job?, it's important to fit into the FPR and accept the FT sensor one side cos i can use a reduction for the transducer at the other side

google is my friend but i'm too dumb with mechanics so just confirm would this be good (as i found out that the FT sensor has M12x1.5 thread)
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No worries, i found out that it's about the supply i'm covered cos there are plenty of 5V outputs from the ECM and this transducer has almost no load
No worries, i found out that it's about the supply i'm covered cos there are plenty of 5V outputs from the ECM and this transducer has almost no load
How did it go with the pressure sensor? After I read this I started to think about it and I ordered this:
I want to put it into the fuse box cover using some quick connectors so I can remove the cover easily.
I hope to fit a pressure transducer teed into the existing oil pressure sensor and a water temp sensor into the water outlet from the head, will then have water temp, oil pressure, voltage, and time on one display.
This thread is all a bit technical but sounds worth knowing about.
So could you tell us in simple terms, what your going to do.
And what will fitting it tell you or how will it help with the motors running.
just read again the title and my first post cos it should be enough IMO, the gist is to know if the fuel pump is making it's job or not