Carpet cleaning?

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Good Morning

Has anybody got any ideas how to get 4 litres of clean engine oil out of the boot carpet? I have tried jet wash and fairy liquid for 2 hours but it has soaked into the foam sound proofing and still getting oil coming out of it. Any ideas???
Have you thought about one of the carpet cleaners you can hire from some large DIY outlets. You can use various cleaning solutions in them so there might be one for breaking down the oil and then the cleaner would suck all the waste up leaving the carpets dry. Might take a few applications though to get all the oil out.

Steve :)
ming said:
Oil carpet forget it Mark is correct dont waste yer time scrap it and get a new one . . . .:)

NOOOO, don't scrap it, burn it. It will burn for many years and be a cheap form of heat and energy in the home :cool:
I used to Valet years ago. We used to use paint thinners on anything like that. Blood, oil etc. Remove the carpet first though otherwise you will be high as a kite!

Thats what you need, milk.

Pick a really hot day and put down the equivalent Gold Top Milk to oil spilt. Do up all the windows and leave with the engine running and the heaters on full for as long as possible - leave the car for a good few days and Hey Presto!!

OK you wont have got rid of the oil but you will be so ****ed off by the smell that you will forget all about the oil spill!!

Seriously mate, thats a real **** of a job, I have done similar (2 litres of two stroke) with my Renault Scenic - i ended up taking out the carpet and cleaning it in my local Launderette (wasnt going to risk trashing MrsOutlanders new Zanussi!) and I had to replace much of the high density foam with aftermarket stuff - turned out to be much quieter afterwards tho';-)
Stick with the oil mate. I've been in a car thats had ONE pint of milk spilled in the front passenger well. On a hot day you were choking and on a cold day freezing, coz you could'nt put on the heater as it heated up the milk and made it stink again..
I think Outlander was joking about the milk........weren't you?

Talking about smelly cars reminded me of a story. A friend of mine had a mouse in his Mazda 6. He thought he'd put rat poison down for it. Big mistake. After a few weeks of no mouse it began to stink of death. Should have used a mouse trap I told him. Car still smells, no where near as bad as it did though :D