Car/Life advice!

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Haha well my thoughts are I run two V8's ATM so might as well just run one!

Nah can't put a baby seat in a maloo!

Hmm. If it were me I'd get rid of the underpowered p38 and 116 and get her a hemiv8 jeep - and get her spayed soon as before she wants a little brother or sister, flushing your life down the stinking sewer. Congrats btw
Hmm. If it were me I'd get rid of the underpowered p38 and 116 and get her a hemiv8 jeep - and get her spayed soon as before she wants a little brother or sister, flushing your life down the stinking sewer. Congrats btw

And keep the 650i? I'd love to, other half doesnt want me to sell the 650i so I'll have to wait and see. Panicking a bit I think, will just wait until August and see how we get on I think!
M5 touring....?

I couldn't do it to my self. The fuel consumption of that v10 and the lack of reliability of the gearbox and the rest of the car is just insane. I have looked at them long and hard infact before the 650i I had a facelift E39 M5 which was brilliant but I couldn't go for one of the v10's I did a comparison of running costs and it was the same money to lease an F10 m5 @£500 a month!
I got my P38 to accommodate the expanding family.

Enough room for bikes, prams, camping holidays, and all the other crap. I'd keep the P38 if I were you. Best family car I've ever had. It's the only car we've got, and the only one I can ever see me needing.

The leather seats are wipe clean for when the little darlings pour water, puke and crisps everywhere, and as all P38's are a bit old now, you won't get so upset as you scratch it lugging heavy stuff in and out of the boot.

ISOfix has never been an issue, just use the seat belts to secure your baby seat in the traditional fashion. I always thought my seats were just as solid using 3 point belts. Not tested this in a full speed collision yet though.

Also go and buy a Maclaren folding buggy to "keep in the boot". That way you'll be ready when the silver cross pram get put in the garage "just to get it out of the hallway" and never used again. I've got one in my mums garage (still) if you want another?
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I got my P38 to accommodate the expanding family.

Enough room for bikes, prams, camping holidays, and all the other crap. I'd keep the P38 if I were you. Best family car I've ever had. It's the only car we've got, and the only one I can ever see me needing.

The leather seats are wipe clean for when the little darlings pour water, puke and crisps everywhere, and as all P38's are a bit old now, you won't get so upset as you scratch it lugging heavy stuff in and out of the boot.

ISOfix has never been an issue, just use the seat belts to secure your baby seat in the traditional fashion. I always thought my seats were just as solid using 3 point belts. Not tested this in a full speed collision yet though.

Also go and buy a Maclaren folding buggy to "keep in the boot". That way you'll be ready when the silver cross pram get put in the garage "just to get it out of the hallway" and never used again. I've got one in my mums garage (still) if you want another?
+1 to that. A 500bhp supercharged 4 x 4 is insanity on wheels, not what you want for transporting a child. Likely to be less reliable than your P38 too.:)
Babies dont stay babies for long and prams and pushchairs etc etc wont be needed for too long, imo if you are looking at changing cars anyway then yes get something more suitable to the next few months/ a year or so tops, but if you like what you have now stick with the combination you have and make it work for you.

Its a good few years since i was a new dad but i remember it so well, i got rid of my 7 series because the baby was coming and the boot although big was not ideal for lifting prams and the like in and out. I was gutted less than a year later when i realised it was gone and we no longer needed to shift so much stuff in and out.

If i was in your position i would wait and see what life is like with the stable you have now and maybe tart up the P38 for a bit, if it doesnt work out you can still sell up and get what you need then.

oh and congrats, get some sleep in now buddy coz you aint having much soon.
The Silvercross will be ditched soon enough when the reality of using it becomes evident. Our friends ditched there's after 3 weeks (it wouldn't fit in their Cayanne).
Isofix is no better than seat belt fixing & never been a problem using the seat belt fix in the P38. It's reported that Seat belt fixing actually gives a safer fix due to more cushioning in the event of an impact. Isofix is just a more convenient solution especially for folks who dont know how to properly fit a child seat.
We can comfortably fit : 2 adults, 1 child, 1 buggy, 2 dogs, & endless bags, cases that go with it comfortably with the roof box on. We bought a cheap (small) buggy for when we are going away to save space. Leah is now 18 months & the buggy's get used less & less.
Cheers fellas, looking like the best advise here is to sit tight and keep the fleet on hand that we have at the moment. Hopefully we can get past the silvercross issue and relegate it to the garage/ebay and buy a sensible pram and then not have to sell cars etc...

Still fancy a S/C L322 though ;)
From personal experience, the Silvercross will last approximately 3-4 weeks before you/she realises it's a PITA to take out and you'll buy a smaller pram system that folds smaller and can take both the car seat, pram and a buggy attachment.

You'll retain the silvercross, but only for special occasions - it wont be used nearly as much as you originally thought :)

This IS true.
I'm going to be dull. Sorry.

Best child-wrangling/performance bus I have found for general use is the Volvo V70. I have the 250hp T5 version which is very prompt when called upon, and the rear is *immense*. Swallows Silver Cross no sweat.
As much as quite like a V70... I can't have one at 28!

Going to sit tight for now and see what unfolds, it's not hard to sell cars and we have enough to tide us by as em can drive any of them and at least they are all 4+ seaters!
Like it or not some things in life are inevitable
I can lend you a tartan blanket and a box of Kleenex for the parcel shelf :p

If I had to give in to the inevitable I'd buy an E60 530d Touring (well I would try to find a suitable petrol first but if all else failed!) Can't be having no front wheel drive nonsense!