On a side note, I've been registered almost two years. I have learnt a lot from the forum in that time, but don't post a lot due to actually searching before posting mostly... My contributions as a newbie wouldn't (and probably couldn't) be considered constructive. By definition as a newbie to land rovers, how can I post constructive and helpful advice to others when I've come here to learn?
I had a for sale post in the correct parts for sale forum area, and complying to all the rules for a few months, up until a week or so ago when it was deleted. Presumably because you've introduced the new 50 post rule and moved the goalposts.
I'm not seeing how this is "fair" in any way. I could, like others presumably must now do, spam the forum with "I like this idea. How do you <insert random crap here>" posts but really, what's the point?
You've penalised those that use the forum as it should be used - for research before posting YET ANOTHER post that people will simply jump on with a "search the forum ffs" reply...
Seems the new guys cant win now :/
PS - my Spam sandwich with ketchup is still for sale...
I don't agree that the forum is here for people to use for research, if users did not contribute useful information then there would be nothing to research.
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