Step, Rock and Tree sliders
Fairly hefty .. 50 x 50 x 3 mm box and round section thats a bit thicker with 6mm plate fillets!!
They have the usual attachment points, but also have 6mm tabs that are bolted onto the body sills and a cup underneath the bottom of the door pillar, hopefully to stop the ends bending. Only done the drivers side so far, but the nearside is also nearly ready, mirror image, watch this space .. )
They (it) might look odd to some people, but Ive done it this way for a number of reasons.
1. I need sliders .. Some of the tighter lanes in Lakes and North Yorks we do had made their marks on the Disco body and whilst the 90 is narrower, I felt they were needed.
2. They drop down cos I is a short fecker and wanted a step .. likewise for Juliet. I havent lost any breakover angle cos theyre still _just_ higher than the fuel tank.
3. I had the materials available, or rather, I had the square tubing, tc (top-cat, Top Bloke) provided the round pipe ..
4. I cant afford to buy stuff so making it gives me summat to do at little cost other than time.
I like em this way
Not quite finished. They need another coat or two of paint, and I've ordered a strip of non-slip skateboard decking for the tops of the step area. I've also still to clean down the silicone that had been used to mount the chequer plate sills and body trims .. still unsure whether to put them back on, probably will when i get round to it ..