The really odd thing is, she starts, runs for a few seconds, and then cuts out. So the plugs are ok, or she wouldn't start at all. This then points to a fuel problem. In fact, on Saturday, while looking it over, I did eventually find a very slight leak on the fuel return to the injector pump, nipped it up, happy days. Today put on a fresh battery. Turned it over. SAME PROBLEM....., START,STUTTER STUTTER, SPLUTTER STOP.....Aaggh

I got her going, and ran her for just a few seconds, so I knew there would be fuel present. Left it for about 30 minutes, ie not sufficient time for a fuel leak to drag fuel away. Tried again........same problem.
I did take it into a diesel specialist, a few weeks ago, and they just advanced the timing, which didn't cure it.
Either logic, or my knowledge is failing me, maybe both!
Any ideas would be gratefully received