Bonnet to bulkhead seal

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Well-Known Member
Argyll, Scotland
hi folks, in the joys of pouring rain and howling winds that constitute ‘summer’ in Argyll, I’m having to use the Series as a daily driver as my other cars in the garage☹️ Have discovered an annoying leak through the clutch pedal (its an LHD) and I was wondering if there should be some sort of seal between the bonnet and bulkhead, I’ve attached pics of mine which looks a bit naked! I never thought of this before as we lived in the Canaries where rain was vanishingly rare....Thanks all 58980CED-34C8-4035-912E-5F56E42929B0.jpegC2C9A5CF-4250-438B-8731-B995843257A4.jpeg4CF26F4F-74E8-4BF5-A1F6-1D6C317F0860.jpeg
Yes , am pretty sure I dint have those either☹️

If no seal fitted originally, has anyone fitted one something like a door seal alomg that channel against the bulkhead?
You can buy rolls of self adhesive neoprene rubber in just about any dimension. I have a couple running down the length of the bonnet either side to stop it rattling on the wingtops. Think those are about 20x5mm but a thicker one should wedge in the rear gap.
You can buy rolls of self adhesive neoprene rubber in just about any dimension. I have a couple running down the length of the bonnet either side to stop it rattling on the wingtops. Think those are about 20x5mm but a thicker one should wedge in the rear gap.

Excellent, will try that. Upon investigation this afternoon its coming through the clutch pedal box, which was replaced with a new gasket a year ago. Am thinking preventing water gettin in between the bonnet an bulkhead is preferable to taking all the brake servo and clutch box out and attempting some kind of seal at the box.
Maybe fitting the hinge bushes apart from stopping a few rattles will raise the bonnet trailing edge out of the rain channel allowing it to work properly?
Yes, I fitted those as well which is why I filled the resulting side gap with the strip. Works a treat but I still get a puddle now and then. I think mine comes from a windscreen hinge bolt. Stops for a while when I add a drop of oil from the outside.
I wonder if the water could be getting in through the seal at the bottom of windscreen being compromised. I too have noticed water ingress around the same area as you mention and appears to be coming from lower windscreen seal. I have one ready to be fitted and hopefully it may solve some of the problem , as nothing on a landy seems to solve all of the problem it should!!! By the way welcom to Argyll!!
I wonder if the water could be getting in through the seal at the bottom of windscreen being compromised. I too have noticed water ingress around the same area as you mention and appears to be coming from lower windscreen seal. I have one ready to be fitted and hopefully it may solve some of the problem , as nothing on a landy seems to solve all of the problem it should!!! By the way welcom to Argyll!!

Great minds! Yes, I replaced the lower windscreen to bulkhead seal last year! So am narrowing things down gradually.... I’m an Argyll native, spent a few years in spain till brexit bolloxed it and home we came
Thanks Steve, yes Ive got seals in, seem to be fine altho maybe ......looking at them again, they’re certainly not the right pattern, something someone else has done before me I think....
Why did Brexit force you back to sh.thole UK...

I was self employed and spain changed the goalposts after brexit, needed to continually make a certain profit every year to qualify etc also the Mrs couldnt get residency as she works in the UK, prior to brexit it wasnt an issue due to freedom of movement, theres more, i could go on and on and on.
Some progress, Ive fitted the bonnet hinge bushes and made a wee seal from some canvas from my old Ser 2 hood....Steve2268W, Ive only got kind of inset seals in my vents which were fine for ordering a set of seal now!


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