So not long after I bought the Landy he developed a funny noise underload, sounded like a belt squeaking or a bearing failing. Was a really weird one, got worse once hot. After some investigation I decided it was the OS exhaust manifold leaking. So some nice new stainless hex bolts, Nordlock washers and some gaskets from Real Steel we're ordered to complete the job. But before I could start the noise got much worse, much much worse!
The noise developed it to a constant ticking noise which was very loud under slight load. After another day of driving the very short distance to work the noise has transformed into a chuff chuff train like sound! This made me retire the Landy till I got it stripped down and checked out.
After a bit of research this has made me think it might of blown the headgasket straight out of the side!
So up to my mates garage I went for the strip down to find out exactly what's what. Decided to remove the head as the noise was so bad it couldn't just be a manifold gasket.
Suspicions confirmed! Blown headgasket straight out of the side! Right onto the complete strip down and rebuild.
Both heads off and everything looks perfect in very good clean condition
So I thought I'll do a proper job and replace the cam, tappets, pushrods, cam chain and sprockets while I'm there.
All cleaned up and new genuine cam fitted.
Sump and strained removed and cleaned.
Waterpump fitted.
When the heads came off it showed that the exhaust valves were all leaking and getting blowback. So off to the machine shop for recutting all valves and seats, lapping and a skim.
Heads now back on with Elring gaskets and ARP head studs
Injectors all removed, cleaned and new seals fitted.
Finally all back together and sounding so smooth, very happy!!
During the rebuild I also replaced the belt tensioner and both pulleys with genuine land rover ones. I upgraded the secondary air exhaust manifolds for the later smooth stronger ones.
It's now running comp cams break in additive with Valvoline VR1 20w50 oil, I'll do another oil change in 1000 miles to just straight VR1.