boiling brakes in detergent to remove oil

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New Member
Hi guys I seen somewhere(can't find it now)that to remove oil from brake shoes they can be boiled in detergent,whet kind of detergent?
I have a weep from a seal that got onto shoes and the motor factors computer didn't go back so they were ringing suppliers.
Are the sane shoes used in something mire modern than a 63 series 2 diesel.
Thanks for the replies but its not a permanent job literally for a couple of days untill I get the parts
The lining on shoes used to be riveted but they're all bonded now which is why using any sort of detergent to clean them is a really, REALLY bad idea!!!
If you ever need to do it again just boil them in plain water, wont do them any harm, not hot enough to damage them they get much hotter with hard use.
I've also boiled clutch plates to get oil contamination off, works a treat , well it did for me and I'm not dead yet.....quite:D
We used to do that with dry clutch friction plate and occasionally brake pads using strong solution of clothes washing powder.
Was told not to use biological powder but have no idea why.
I usually just douse em in petrol and light em to burn off then clean up with brake cleaner and emery (outside)....must have done it twenty or so time to my bus's back brakes cos they're pricey and difficult/slow to get relined and it weeps oil all the time....for Landy brakes at £15 an axle I've not bothered...
I usually just douse em in petrol and light em to burn off then clean up with brake cleaner and emery (outside)....must have done it twenty or so time to my bus's back brakes cos they're pricey and difficult/slow to get relined and it weeps oil all the time....for Landy brakes at £15 an axle I've not bothered...
One of the bits of information I got from Dave Simmonite zillions of years back was to burn them and then give them a quick rub off with emery to get rid of the grunge!
Expect a bit of smoke as the oil burns off. :D:D
when i did mine i did the same as freelaner with the shoes but with the drums i just poured an egg cups worth of petrol in them and lit the fooker then let it burn itself out