Working Stop Lights !! - finally reliable stop lights, but I abandoned the OEM method and placed a new direct contact switch to the break pedal in the cabin. I used a Series (non servo plastic switch - 13H3735LG) - this one is OFF with plunger in, and ON when it is out. The OEM switch was opposite, ON when plunger IN. The bugger on that switch is after buying about 4 of them of various vintage, they would fail a test on a meter on the shop bench! So that was even with low current, not a heat issue, not a pedal adjustment issue, just unreliable crap switch. The new switch would pass the trigger / meter test every time. I built a bracket for it and have adjustments to align it to the pedal with the proper throw. When the pedal is pressed, the switch plunger comes out and the lights are going on. At first I suspected the flap / spring at the top of the pedal tower was flattened, but since the new switches would fail on the meter, I just don't see them as robust. Even if I have to replace the switch more often, these are a few dollars, vs the brass ones in the $25-$15 range..... In case. anyone else runs into a bad lot of switches...... (tried Lucas and others as well)